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TNF - Techy Nerd Forum
Techy Nerd Forum
Everything electronic. This is the right place to discuss games of all types and to get help on computer and techy stuff.
4,152 topics in this forum
First footage from Godfall on PlayStation 5...
Last reply by TD_LFC, -
- 9 replies
Sony's new multiplayer GAAS, 5v5 hero shooter is a complete disaster by all accounts. Concurrent player numbers on Steam have collapsed in the first week to double figures, as low as 56 at one point, and players have been reporting long waits for games on the PS5. Industry analysts reckon that the game has barely moved 25K units and has a likely cost well above £100 million- it was in development for over 8 years and the dev team was around 170 strong by the end, plus they'd committed to expensive CGI YouTube videos weekly. Its revenue so far probably barely breaks £1 million, which won't even cover the cost of servers and maintenance. The usual culture wars a…
Last reply by Mudface, -
- 1 follower
- 1.9k replies
Eh? What about it? Controversial twist on a popular thread. Probably a few rules like demos don't count and if you've only played it for 30 minutes that doesn't count either. If you can review and describe games that you've completed, that may make for a more complete experience although I understand that bad games generally don't get completed because they're, y'know, bad.
Last reply by Elite, -
The GF has threads for upcoming films and TV shows, so the TNF should really have a gaming equivalent. I originally posted this in the PlayStation 4 thread, however it makes sense to me to post it in here as well to kick off the thread. Middle-earth: Shadow of War has been officially announced and is scheduled to release on the 22nd of August. Announcement trailer below, with the gameplay reveal due on March 8th.
Last reply by Elite, -
- 1 follower
- 363 replies
A new thread to discuss IPTV with no mention of that old provider some of us used. I imagine this thread will be pretty quiet, now most of us are settled on the same one. Any long term members of the site looking to swap stupid Sky/Virgin bills for solid IPTV services, post in here and we’ll attend to your needs.
Last reply by Carvalho Diablo, -
- 2.7k replies
I see loads of people asking about this, and to be honest I installed it about six months ago after reading about it on here and just kind of flailed around at it not knowing what I was doing, so it's probably best to have a thread explaing what it is, because it's great to use and way better than using torrents imo, so here goes. You can use it for different things, but essentially I, and I suspect most others, will use it for streaming TV shows and movies, often in HD. You can sign up for lots of individual streaming sites but the idea of XBMC is it's a media centre so you can stream all these films and TV shows through XBMC without having to sign up to all the indi…
Last reply by elvis, -
http://Ninten.do/6184889Qg Looks a good idea to me. I don't really have time to play games at home but if I could take a console with me travelling, I'd be all for it. I like Nintendo games, they are fun to pick and play. The elongated PS4 & Xbox games bore me. Not looked at the proper specs but assume they don't compare to a PS4 or XBox. Those graphics on Zelda loom similar to the Wii. Wonder how long the batteries on the portable bit last?
Last reply by Paulie Dangerously, -
Figured this should have its own thread, as there have been some good tips posted elsewhere. How are people faring with it?
Last reply by TD_LFC, -
- 15 replies
What a league season. Last game if the season Lost Virg and Gomez mid season both demanded to leave for Saudi and Arsenal City level points they have a 4+ goal difference. I batter Fulham 6-0. They beat Villa 3-1. Level points,level GD,Level goal scored. Won it on head to head League cup won and UEFA final vs Ajax
Last reply by Elite, -
- 3 replies
https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/20/24159258/microsoft-recall-ai-explorer-windows-11-surface-event No, I don't want my every action on a PC recorded, you over-intrusive fuckers. Especially not if I'm looking at files inside an encrypted archive, or putting my log in details into my bank's website or watching Alsatian Anal on my streaming service of choice.
Last reply by VladimirIlyich, -
- 14 replies
Supposedly piratebay is gonna become a pay site now! Anyone know any other good torrent site?
Last reply by elvis, -
- 2 replies
My phone has a problem with a restore at 0200 each night Anyway of fixing this?
Last reply by No2, -
- 11 replies
Best place to order one nowadays?
Last reply by M_B, -
GTA VI 1 2
by Vincent Vega- 32 replies
Rumours of a 2021 release, but that it will only be available for the next gen consoles. Talk of the new game being set in Liberty City, San Andreas and best of all Vice City. If one game will tempt to part with my hard earned cash for a next gen console, it's this. https://www.newsweek.com/gta-6-leak-liberty-vice-city-san-andreas-1410557
Last reply by Captain Turdseye, -
- 118 replies
I'll post more when I've got time but this is one of my favourites, though it isn't quite top of the list: [YOUTUBE]hOB4q01VCVg&list=FLzgcd42v4UivT0ok-ZNvPfw&index=57[/YOUTUBE] I used to get fired up just starting the game up. Brilliant theme, shame they decided to ruin it for BF3.
Last reply by Red Phoenix, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I’m dabbling with ai art - just on the iPhone at the moment. Anyone know of a decent AI art app that is a one time purchase? I detest the subscription model that has taken over the app world.
Last reply by Carvalho Diablo, -
Red Dead Redemption 1 2 3 4 14
by Section_31- 330 replies
What a beautiful game this is. I rarely play games but loved it when it came out and ended up selling it. But I bought it again recently and just fancied something I could pick up and play, and it's just stunning. I can't think of another game where you can just sit there and look at it the way you can with this, but the sight of Marston on his horse just wandering through the prairie is jaw dropping. Love this song too, from when you first get to Mexico. Also, what did people make of The Strange Man? Do you reckon he was Marston's conscience or the Devil/Fate?
Last reply by Lee909, -
Who else had one of these godly possessions? I was of the 600 generation. Even the name is fucking superb. What have they got these days? The playstation and the xbox. What a load of shite that sounds. People have been paid top dollar to come up with names like that and they are fucking awful. I was just reading a review of Cannon Fodder 3 Cannon Fodder 3 review – insensible software | Metro.co.uk By the way if you want the best reviews of any game use the metro site. It's the old gamecentral team from C4 teletext headed by a guy who used to write for Eurogamer. They are brutal when all the other shithouses like Gamespot shit out because of sponsors…
Last reply by Sut, -
Cyberpunk 2077 1 2 3
by Red Phoenix- 64 replies
A thread on this seemed like the best idea seeing as the rate the last game thread has had a lot of Cyberpunk in it lately and also because I'm kind of alone here at the moment in thinking it's an awesome game despite the bugs and lack of other stuff a lot of players expected (so if nothing else I can at least ramble a bit here instead and then leave it.) That's maybe down to my own liking of cyberpunk scifi even outside of games but also two other things : after it finally got revealed at E3 I was also hyped but eventually cooled off on it because I thought the hype had got out of hand. The other thing being that I never expected it to be a GTA-like game, and I think CDP…
Last reply by johnsusername, -
- 52 replies
I actually had an Atari XE back in the day, and used to love this game I had called Henry's House. Prince Henry had been shrunk and had to fend for himself in Buckingham Palace, while negotiating various traps like moving slippers and running taps, it was far more fun than it sounded! Honurable mentions for: Joe Blade, sideways shoot em up. And Spy Vs Spy Two player trap-setting heaven!
Last reply by Mudface, -
Had one of these ready to buy on the day of release for my grandson but got talked out of it by my daughter as she wanted to get him one for Xmas. Stupidly listened to her and now they’re impossible to get hold of. However, after scouring European game stores for hours last night, I went back to play station direct and after getting to Spain, discovered they’ve got them in stock. Only problem is, you need to get them sent to a Spanish address as won’t ship to uk. So if youve got any family or friends with a gaff out there, or going on holiday, get it sent and ask them to post over or bring home if visiting for Xmas . Still be cheaper than…
Last reply by Red74, -
Quite fancy buying a new TV for the living room, it's been a while since my last one since it's been a real warhorse. Can't decide between these two:- https://www.richersounds.com/tv-projectors/all-tvs/panasonic-tx55hz1000b.html https://www.richersounds.com/tv-projectors/all-tvs/sony-bravia-ke55a8bu.html Anyone got any advice? Samsung are out at this price range because that's their 2020 panels which have problems with juddering and shit. Gonna go to Richer Sounds and take a look at them in the wild too but if anyone has any experience to add that would be sound.
Last reply by redheart, -
Right I thought we could have a thread so we can share deals on any games or anything else that is a good deal. To start it off I am going to put the offer I have just got from Tesco direct. The new South Park game is £18.50 for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Ps3 http://www.tesco.com/direct/south-park-the-stick-of-truth/623-2316.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=623-2316 Xbox360 http://www.tesco.com/direct/south-park-the-stick-of-truth/307-1832.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=307-1832
Anyone having difficulty in procuring one? Fucking next to impossible to get one over here in Ireland. Cunts online already selling them for 3 and 4 times the price. My 11 year old wants one for Xmas and I'm starting to worry that there won't be enough stock to meet demand worldwide never mind over here.
Last reply by Harry's Lad, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
My contract expires soon and I'm not signing up to a handset deal again as it's a massive fucking rip off. I'm looking to buy a phone outright. I'm not arsed about new models etc, I just want something with the most bang for it's buck. Primarily one that can run a few different apps at once without them restarting again soon as you switch windows. Not sure if I trust those Chinese phones either. Looking to spend about £400.
Last reply by VladimirIlyich,
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