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Upcoming Games


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The GF has threads for upcoming films and TV shows, so the TNF should really have a gaming equivalent.


I originally posted this in the PlayStation 4 thread, however it makes sense to me to post it in here as well to kick off the thread.


Middle-earth: Shadow of War has been officially announced and is scheduled to release on the 22nd of August.


Announcement trailer below, with the gameplay reveal due on March 8th.


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Anyone used these lot for pre ordering games?





They are doing Mass Effect for £40 

Any better offers


I used them for ordering Horizon: Zero Dawn and paid £39.85 which was cheaper than anywhere else. They have a rewards system where you get bigger discounts the more you spend so some people paid £36 for the same title.


I got it the day before release so I would highly recommend them and I don't think you will get it any cheaper than them.

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Too many games coming out. I need to pop into town and trade in a bunch too, I've got Nioh, UC4 and a few others just sitting there. I need to pick up Yakuza 0, Horizon and Gravity Rush 2 before even thinking about Andromeda. 2017's turning into an excellent year for gaming.

You didnt like Nioh then?
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You didnt like Nioh then?


It's a great game, I just realised it'd take me too long to get good at it and I haven't the will power for that type of thing any more. I got to the second boss, she kicked my arse, and I hadn't found a nearby shrine, so I'd have to go through a load of the level again.


I'm getting old and impatient, and my reflexes are shot to hell. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've also ordered mass effect, hopefully it lives up to the previous games.


It's getting some very lukewarm reviews, I have cancelled the preorder and used the prepayment towards Shadow Of War instead.

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Have played it for about 2 hours now.


Starts off in the same way that they all have, slow. So far it's been about getting used to the environment, controls,introduction of characters etc and its ok so far but not feeling any affiliation to the characters at the moment.


To early to tell what the overall experience will be like but I'm looking forward to the missus going out tonight so I can get another few hours in once the kids are in bed, so that's promising.

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The characters made the game in the first three. One of very few games were you actually gave a shit hoping your actions wouldn't lead to deaths

Can't remember which ME or was but at the end where you had to choose between the girl and a bloke.. I agonised over that for a while.
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I used up my 10 hour trial yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Didn't come across any bugs.


Yes, the voice acting could be better and will I feel as much affinity towards the characters as I have done in previous game, who knows, but as a stand alone game, I think its good so far.


Looking fowards to getting some more game time tomorrow, maybe tonight if the good lady will allow me the use of the downstairs tv.

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