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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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5 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

That Times article says he has been arrested.


Evertonians were right after all, except it's the redshite Russians that are undermining them:








"A 72-year-old man, from Aigburth, has been arrested on suspicion of witness intimidation." He'll know Derek Hatton, he's the same age and lives in the same suburb.
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Liverpool Echo
BREAKING: Mayor Joe Anderson arrested along with four other men liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool
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43 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Hahahaha fucking hell thats like me ringing up and calling Margot Robbie an ugly cunt 

That Ronnie Goodlass fella is turning on him moaning that he doesnt play any of the younger players. 


It will cost them shitloads to sack him. Not that they will, he will just keep them mid table.

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7 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

That Ronnie Goodlass fella is turning on him moaning that he doesnt play any of the younger players. 


It will cost them shitloads to sack him. Not that they will, he will just keep them mid table.

Imagine Everton sacking Ancelotti. They should play that Gordon lad more though. Plays like he's actually arsed. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Imagine Everton sacking Ancelotti. They should play that Gordon lad more though. Plays like he's actually arsed. 

Think Ancelotti said something along the lines of that he is there to keep everton competitive and not to bring youth players through to develop them. He will only be interested in playing or signing 27/28 year olds.

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They’ve tired of Carlo already, the coming fixtures against Chelsea, Leicester and Arsenal might not make that any better.


give it to big Dunc?




If that stadium ever gets build at BMD they’ll be demanding it be demolished after six games when they haven’t seen a difference in how shit they are. 

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