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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

All these local developers are friends and dodgy as fuck, as are their security.

All intertwined.

It's like something out of Goodfellas. Hardly any firms outside the city get a look in. 


The Signature Living seem to get a lot of favours off the council. Especially building that roof extension on top of the Shankly. 

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3 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

It's like something out of Goodfellas. Hardly any firms outside the city get a look in. 


The Signature Living seem to get a lot of favours off the council. Especially building that roof extension on top of the Shankly. 

Corrupt as fuck. 

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7 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

It's like something out of Goodfellas. Hardly any firms outside the city get a look in. 


The Signature Living seem to get a lot of favours off the council. Especially building that roof extension on top of the Shankly. 

Sig living had a big falling out with diamond joe after getting the knock back for the old municipal building on dale street. The cards all started to fall from that day.

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11 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Corrupt as fuck. 

There's been fucking loads. That Chinatown development went tits up and people lost hundreds of thousands in the far east. One on Pall Mall opposite to the BMW garage and one behind it that was supposed to be 3 towers. People losing money then the same developer puts in plans for more flats further down towards the Baltic area. The Signature Living fella pleads poverty when people want money back but he always has about 6 projects on the go spinning plates and seems to run everything like he's walking a tightrope. Seems that way anyway on that Shankly hotel documentary. He got told to fuck off by Cardiff Council when he bought a historic property there and was fucking around building it. 


It's always been corrupt as fuck. Some fat cunt owned Paradise Street, exchange flags and the post office which is where the met quarter was. Kept submitting plans but had fuck all intention of doing anything and stalled development in the city for years. He eventually got them taken off him by Compulsory Purchase Order so the city could build Liverpool One and the Met Quarter. He was a dodgy cunt who never paid anyone and used all kinds of underhand tactics to hold onto things.

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14 minutes ago, torahboy said:

I'm hearing that the 72 year old who got lifted was a former high ranking city politician with Militant views and a love of Bitterness.

He was a big fan of null and void then jizzed his pants when Everton went on their 4 game unbeaten run. Footy mattered when Everton were good. When Liverpool were going to win the league it wasn't important though.

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2 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

Imagine them finding that building up. At least some hotel company from Singapore were allowed to buy it. 

Expect a story about Singaporean investors losing millions in a Liverpool City centre investment scam

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Phone rings


Joe: Hi Mosh, how’s things


Mosh: oh hello err, Joe


Joe: got some great news my friend. You’re getting the all clear from the planning department next week for our new ground. All good to go from January.


Mosh: I’m sorry Joe, this line is terrible, I’ll call you back from another line.


Phone rings:


Hello, Merseyside police.


Mosh: Hello, I’d like to report a high ranking council official for corruption on a grand scale please

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4 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

He was a big fan of null and void then jizzed his pants when Everton went on their 4 game unbeaten run. Footy mattered when Everton were good. When Liverpool were going to win the league it wasn't important though.

He's on that Kendalls Way documentary sticking his ore in like some sort of relevant twat. Utter cunt him, the worst of the bunch. I hope all his corrupt shit catches up with him and he doesn't see the light of day again. Fucking disgraceful  human whose bled this city dry yet still thinks he's some sort of beacon of all things scouse 

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