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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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7 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

Two people got arrested a few months back, one a city planner and a developer called Elliot Lawless who seems to have build quite a lot of apartments the last few years. However a lot of his and other developments have stalled or gone into administration leaving thousands of investors out of pocket.


There seems to be a few of these type of developers around who come up with outlandish plans but never have the intention to build anything. They bank the land then sell it on a year or two later. The same architect in Liverpool seems to get every major contract as well. 

The Chinatown luxury development went tits up and there were a few accusations about Council behaviour flying around at the time.

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33 minutes ago, AngryofTuebrook said:

The Council Planning Department is basically in thrall to Joe's whims, too. If he's out of the picture, maybe the planners will assess it on its  (not very substantial) merits, rather than just obeying Joe's orders.

Andy Barr, assistant director of highways and planning, has been arrested as well according to the Times. 





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3 minutes ago, cloggypop said:

Andy Barr, assistant director of highways and planning, has been arrested as well according to the Times. 





Fuckin A!


Awful, awful cunt that one. He's long overdue imprisonment. 

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List of potentially corrupt shit this gobshite has been up to relating to Everton and Bramley Moore.


£700k of public money spent on “consulting fees” to assess whether they could loan the money to Everton.  This is genuinely a staggering amount of money to be spent by a council with funding issues considering it’s for Everton who are owned by a billionaire.  Why was this not just paid for by Everton if it was going to benefit them.  The outright lie that the council will receive it back should be getting questioned every time the fat cunt is in the media shouting his mouth off.


Conveniently deciding that the flyover in town and Childwall/Broadgreen were unsafe, outdated and need to be knocked down when it was discovered that the dock would have to be filled in at some staggering cost I can’t remember.


Buying Finch Farm and renting it to Everton.  If you ever look at the wording around this in the echo it says they bought the training ground for 13m so Everton could pay a cheaper rent to them.  It then just says that in 25 years the mortgage will be repaid leaving 15 years on the lease where Everton will be paying the council millions which they can use on public services.  At no point do they say that the money paid by Everton actually covers the initial investment.

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I hope the Kopites believe there are tenuous links that our build is passed because of greasy backhanders... makes it even sweeter, the obsessed, glory hunting, wall pushing, afterbirth gobshytes.


Well, when you tell us uncle Uzy's ill gotten gains are behind everything, don't be surprised when we take piss.

Horrible cunts.



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2 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

I hope the Kopites believe there are tenuous links that our build is passed because of greasy backhanders... makes it even sweeter, the obsessed, glory hunting, wall pushing, afterbirth gobshytes.


Well, when you tell us uncle Uzy's ill gotten gains are behind everything, don't be surprised when we take piss.

Horrible cunts.



This doesn't half show up the mentality of these pricks, the fact that he has change the spelling of gobshites so the post doesn't get deleted by the mods. 'Cos saying gobshite is absolutely the worst thing about that sentence isn't it.

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4 hours ago, The Guest said:

List of potentially corrupt shit this gobshite has been up to relating to Everton and Bramley Moore.


£700k of public money spent on “consulting fees” to assess whether they could loan the money to Everton.  This is genuinely a staggering amount of money to be spent by a council with funding issues considering it’s for Everton who are owned by a billionaire.  Why was this not just paid for by Everton if it was going to benefit them.  The outright lie that the council will receive it back should be getting questioned every time the fat cunt is in the media shouting his mouth off.


Conveniently deciding that the flyover in town and Childwall/Broadgreen were unsafe, outdated and need to be knocked down when it was discovered that the dock would have to be filled in at some staggering cost I can’t remember.


Buying Finch Farm and renting it to Everton.  If you ever look at the wording around this in the echo it says they bought the training ground for 13m so Everton could pay a cheaper rent to them.  It then just says that in 25 years the mortgage will be repaid leaving 15 years on the lease where Everton will be paying the council millions which they can use on public services.  At no point do they say that the money paid by Everton actually covers the initial investment.


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