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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 minute ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.



The level of insanity in this post is magnificent.

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1 minute ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.



What an absolute maniac.

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18 minutes ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.



Any idea what the obvious reasons are?

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19 minutes ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.





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25 minutes ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa hahaha hahaha HA! 


Fucking headtheballs the lot of them 

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1 minute ago, Crazy Dave said:

Isn't it well known that this bloke is dodgy as fuck? 


As well as a fat cunt. 

Two people got arrested a few months back, one a city planner and a developer called Elliot Lawless who seems to have build quite a lot of apartments the last few years. However a lot of his and other developments have stalled or gone into administration leaving thousands of investors out of pocket.


There seems to be a few of these type of developers around who come up with outlandish plans but never have the intention to build anything. They bank the land then sell it on a year or two later. The same architect in Liverpool seems to get every major contract as well. 

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42 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

If Bramley Moore falls through they will be phoning the bizzies on the bizzies. 


Jimy McGovern said no to this pitch but Bill Kenright Ltd is proud to present:


Watch Line of Duty - Season 5 | Prime Video



Starring: Stephen Graham as Joe 'Chippy Tits' Anderson; Adrain Dunbar 'Uncle Uzzy'; Vicky Mclure as Farhad Moshiri; Davoth Kelly as himself; and Christopher Biggins as 'Big Bill' Kenright.

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