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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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6 minutes ago, Anubis said:

And they’re off....


Player Valuation: £80m
By the way, absolute 'kin disgrace that lot allowed the bulk of fans onto the Kop last night. A slap in the face for all those who've suffered Covid19 and an unforgivable insult to the families of those lost to it. They're not called the murderers for f.a



Player Valuation: £70m
This is not right. Not by a long chalk. I challenge anyone to defend that arrangement.

That does not look like 1 metre, never mind 2 metres apart. 

I wonder if the government will be prepared to pull it's finger out and take any action? Probably too busy levying 70k fines on small businesses for trying (wrongly) to make ends meet. 

I mean, are they ever wearing the masks properly?




Player Valuation: £80m
We will find out come Saturday mate. They are not the only team I’ve seen with fans looking crammed together, seen a pic of reading fans all crammed in too. Fans shouldn’t be allowed back until the vaccine is rolled out if covid is so rampant.

You would think the champions of England would be wanting to set an example - and the authorities to demand it of them - of social distancing in a pandemic and looking to show how responsible that the game can be. That photo up there I posted underlines that they had no intention of fulfilling that.

The club that allowed the Atletico match to go ahead with devastating consequences showed a complete disregard for the well being of their own fans and the wider population. Again.





Player Valuation: £80m
That does not look like 1 metre, never mind 2 metres apart.

I wonder if the government will be prepared to pull it's finger out and take any action? Probably too busy levying 70k fines on small businesses for trying (wrongly) to make ends meet.

I mean, are they ever wearing the masks properly?
It's a disgrace, and done for competitive reasons.

Off their fuckin heads.

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Player Valuation: £70m
We win a game 2-0 then we are happy, win another game 2-0 and we have a goal difference of plus 4. That is something to celebrate.

When is it acceptable for our fans to come out with horrific nonsense like 39-0. You are celebrating the deaths of 39 people. You are dancing on their graves because it gives you an opportunity to have a pop at our rivals.

Why is it acceptable to come out with horrific insults like [Phrase removed].

Is that what we have come to as a club, our main claim to fame is that we haven't killed anyone in the last 35 years.

We need to stop fixating on the RS and do the best for Everton.

It is pretty crass and out of line.

However in a scale of misdemeanor, you danced on the grave of 6 million Jewish people who were murdered by the Nazis by comparing their experience to 21st century football fans, not fact checking on an internet forum, and subsequently squandering said people by saying "Jewish people did bad things".

So on a scale of what has gone wrong, you are the most vile and disgusting of people, and have no right to judge anybody after what you have done.

Dont ever think, you're in any position to judge anybody else after what you have said. You're a coward, a liar and an anti-semite.
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This is now the 5th or 6th time I have asked you to stop putting in quotation marks things I haven't said.

This is an explanation of what I said.

Your response is just what you do when you are losing an argument or a debate. A load of personal abuse, insults and wild unfounded accusations of racism and anti-Semitism.

Time and time again I have said that a tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things in the 30s. I made it abundantly clear that a tiny proportion of all groups of people do bad things or act immorally. Time and time again I have said that people who do bad things should be judged as individuals and that it is completely wrong to use individual misdemeanours to stereotype or smear a group of people..

Despite saying that over and over again you somehow think it is okay to say that I danced on the graves of 6 million Jewish people. Nonsense like that illustrates my point perfectly.

You think it is perfectly okay to attack me because of your mistaken belief that I am a Liverpool fan.
You're a liar. You get personal abuse on here because you're a lying, anti-semitic, murdering Kopite fool. Nobody is interested in your obscene views, 'koff back to RAWK with all the other virgins.




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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

He obviously wont say a fucking thing about it when they do exactly the same next week will he the fucking drip. 

Fucking dickheads.


They were all clamouring for the season to be null and void simply because they knew Liverpool would win it. Then a few months later when Everton win 4 games on the run they all love footy again.


They are bitching and moaning about us having fans back despite the North London derby having them back on the same day. 


Yet next Sunday it will be "great to be back home at the Old Lady" when they have fans back. Utter hypocrites. 

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It'd be nice to meet either of those 2 bellends and ask them their thoughts on Liverpool face to face. I'm guessing that the bile and rhetoric would be reined in somewhat when there is a chance of getting a smack off an offended fan. The very worst of internet warriors with the nastiest imaginations. The best thing about them is that you know that they hurt so much inside, and it keeps on hurting and hurting ...

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10 minutes ago, Jimmy Hills Chin said:

It'd be nice to meet either of those 2 bellends and ask them their thoughts on Liverpool face to face. I'm guessing that the bile and rhetoric would be reined in somewhat when there is a chance of getting a smack off an offended fan. The very worst of internet warriors with the nastiest imaginations. The best thing about them is that you know that they hurt so much inside, and it keeps on hurting and hurting ...

Tearing their insides apart. 

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I have a particular "friend" on facebook who is just like them, obviously when you point out their hypocrisy or just completely made up shit, that they obsessively post you just get the caught another fish bollocks. 


I no longer waste my time getting annoyed as I know no sensible person gives two fucks about either them or their club. 


However, do continue posting their shite on here as it is highly amusing. I suppose you have to be impressed how no matter the subject they can find a way of being outraged and blaming us. Quite impressive.

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1 minute ago, Scooby Dudek said:

I have a particular "friend" on facebook who is just like them, obviously when you point out their hypocrisy or just completely made up shit, that they obsessively post you just get the caught another fish bollocks. 


I no longer waste my time getting annoyed as I know no sensible person gives two fucks about either them or their club. 


However, do continue posting their shite on here as it is highly amusing. I suppose you have to be impressed how no matter the subject they can find a way of being outraged and blaming us. Quite impressive.

When you pull them up on it on twitter for point out hypocrisy they just block you. They call us a 'cult' they are fucking sad pathetic maniacs. They shout on about Heysel yet point out the County Road Cutters flag and boom, gone. Shit bags, shit club, she ground, shit history. Fucking shite 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

When you pull them up on it on twitter for point out hypocrisy they just block you. They call us a 'cult' they are fucking sad pathetic maniacs. They shout on about Heysel yet point out the County Road Cutters flag and boom, gone. Shit bags, shit club, she ground, shit history. Fucking shite 

You need to say what you really feel mate.

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On 06/12/2020 at 14:27, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

On this subject again, this report makes enjoyable reading. They published the report last January. so the new one is due, including the Covid hit. Maybe they will delay publishing it?






Everton report reduced debt but record losses


Everton report reduced debt but record losses

Lyndon Lloyd Tuesday, 14 January, 2020


Everton have announced flat revenue, significant reduction in net debt but losses of £111.8m for an extended financial year ending June 2019 at this evening's AGM.

The club's annual report shows turnover of £187.7m, very slightly down from the previous year thanks to merit payments of £24.9m and total broadcast income of £132.7m, with total commercial and sponsorship income rising 40.6% to £29.1m.


In addition, Everton's debt fell from £65.7m last year to just £9.2m but outgoings on player trading and wages, plus off-field investments in Goodison Park, Finch Farm and the Royal Liver Building meant that the club registered record losses for the 13-month period after interest and taxation.

That takes the club's losses over three years to around £94m, still under the £105m threshold mandated by Uefa's Financial Fair Play regulations.

Meanwhile, Commercial Director, Sasha Ryzantsev, said that Everton's owner, Farhad Moshiri, has increased his personal investment in the club to £350m.

A statement from CEO Denise Barrett-Baxendale said: “The set of accounts released today reflect our ambition and position as a Club in the early stages of an investment programme. We have been aware of and planned for the impact the investment would have on our short-term profitability and this is part of a long-term sustainable business plan that demonstrates our commitment to operating in a financially sustainable manner.

“Thanks to the support of our majority shareholder, Mr Moshiri, we have been able to invest significantly in our first-team squad.


“Looking forward, investment in a world-class new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock offers us all an insight into the future of our Club and underlines our ambition to take the Club forward.”

The club's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders took place at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall and it began with a challenge by Professor Tom Cannon to the re-appointment to the Board of Director of Football Marcel Brands. The Dutchman was duly-re-elected after a vote.

It was also announced that USM Holdings, the company part-owned by Moshiri, and his long-time business associate, Alisher Usmanov, have paid £30m for the option for the naming rights to the proposed new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock.


Moshiri himself was absent from the AGM due to talks with a potentially significant financial backer of the stadium project. 




They don't have the commercial deals of other clubs, and have to rely on their immense, sold-out crowds for revenue. On that basis, you have to worry for them, you really do.

Liverpool AGMs must be smug-as-fuck affairs these days.

Our finances, our stadium, our trainig ground, our commercial deals and that small matter of kicking a ball around... it all seems to be going quite nicely. 

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