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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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The thing is a draw at Burnley for them isn't a bad result, the fucking moaning twats.


They can't sack Ancelotti. I reckon it could turn into a very long, drawn out, extremely bitter relationship between manager and club. They can't afford to sack him and he'll stay to withdraw his mega wages.


With the money he's making off Everton he'll be able to retire to some castle in Tuscany in a few years. 

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9 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

The thing is a draw at Burnley for them isn't a bad result, the fucking moaning twats.


They can't sack Ancelotti. I reckon it could turn into a very long, drawn out, extremely bitter relationship between manager and club. They can't afford to sack him and he'll stay to withdraw his mega wages.


With the money he's making off Everton he'll be able to retire to some castle in Tuscany in a few years. 

I think he was on his way to live in Canada before Everton came in for him, his missus is Canadian. No doubt he’ll have a castle in Tuscany as well like.

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57 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

Next 4 games are Chelsea, Leicester, Arsenal and Man Utd in the cup. 


After that, Sheffield United on Boxing day then Man City. 

That's a bloody tough run for them. Possibly some respite with the game v Sheffield Utd. Although it would be fun if that was the day the sun shines on the Sheffield dog's arse, and they score a couple, (That Redshite Brewster) and get their first win of the season. No amount of Rennie would cure that Boxing Day indigestion.

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23 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

Call it wishful thinking but all this throwing money at Ancelotti, at overpriced players, the stadium, cosying up with Fat Joe, a dubious owner - i can't help but think (wish) that the whole thing is going to come crashing down on them Leeds-style. 

Moshiri is stuck there unless he takes a massive hit on the money he has put in.


They have spent £450m since he came in as well as going through 4 or 5 managers that they had to pay off. 


78 percent of their income goes out on wages. If this stadium does actually get built the yearly payments are going to be massive. 


Spurs borrowed £637m from 4 different lenders but will pay £215m in interest repayments. They got an APR of 2.66% but Everton have a shitter credit rating and keep borrowing money from lenders in China and America. If Everton got the £550m or more to build the stadium they would pay roughly around the same because of the interest rate being higher. 


They may get more income at the new stadium like Spurs do but that would mean they have to raise the prices of their tickets. 


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1 hour ago, johnsusername said:

The thing is a draw at Burnley for them isn't a bad result, the fucking moaning twats.


They can't sack Ancelotti. I reckon it could turn into a very long, drawn out, extremely bitter relationship between manager and club. They can't afford to sack him and he'll stay to withdraw his mega wages.


With the money he's making off Everton he'll be able to retire to some castle in Tuscany in a few years. 

And now the fans are coming back it's the perfect storm. All we need now is a red Christmas tree. 

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4 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

Moshiri is stuck there unless he takes a massive hit on the money he has put in.


They have spent £450m since he came in as well as going through 4 or 5 managers that they had to pay off. 


78 percent of their income goes out on wages. If this stadium does actually get built the yearly payments are going to be massive. 


Spurs borrowed £637m from 4 different lenders but will pay £215m in interest repayments. They got an APR of 2.66% but Everton have a shitter credit rating and keep borrowing money from lenders in China and America. If Everton got the £550m or more to build the stadium they would pay roughly around the same because of the interest rate being higher. 


They may get more income at the new stadium like Spurs do but that would mean they have to raise the prices of their tickets. 


Sometimes in life taking a hit is the thing to do. The problem moshiri will have with it is how little value there is in the squad. They could probably get a few quid for DCL and maybe richarlison, but the rest of then squad is pretty valueless. If I was moshiri, I'd sell the two of them and then get a manager who will keep them top half the old Everton way without spending money while trying to sell the club. 

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4 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Sometimes in life taking a hit is the thing to do. The problem moshiri will have with it is how little value there is in the squad. They could probably get a few quid for DCL and maybe richarlison, but the rest of then squad is pretty valueless. If I was moshiri, I'd sell the two of them and then get a manager who will keep them top half the old Everton way without spending money while trying to sell the club. 


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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Sometimes in life taking a hit is the thing to do. The problem moshiri will have with it is how little value there is in the squad. They could probably get a few quid for DCL and maybe richarlison, but the rest of then squad is pretty valueless. If I was moshiri, I'd sell the two of them and then get a manager who will keep them top half the old Everton way without spending money while trying to sell the club. 

Agreed. With the amount they've spent and the effects of COVID, it would be pretty suspicious if they didn't need to sell at least one of those two to balance things. 

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8 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Agreed. With the amount they've spent and the effects of COVID, it would be pretty suspicious if they didn't need to sell at least one of those two to balance things. 

He should be selling and taking the money right out to pay for the debt to him. He will never turn them round and they're just going to keep hemorrhaging money. 

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13 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

He should be selling and taking the money right out to pay for the debt to him. He will never turn them round and they're just going to keep hemorrhaging money. 

Whose gonna want to buy them at the price Mosh will want just to get his money back and then commit to another half a billion to fund a ground that’ll struggle to make its money back in this lifetime 

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1 hour ago, Doctor Troy said:

Moshiri is stuck there unless he takes a massive hit on the money he has put in.


They have spent £450m since he came in as well as going through 4 or 5 managers that they had to pay off. 




Guess someone should tell him James and Allen will be 33 in four years time ...




Give the man time and we will progress. Please, bare in mind, we only signed Doucoure, Allan, James Rodriguez and Godfrey for a combined £60m under Carlo and it took over £400m + 4 years to win a trophy under Klopp.




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7 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

Good old Derek Hatton as described by Alan Bleasdale.





Met both when I lived in Childwall, in the 1980s. Bleasdale was a  polite, nice bloke who chatted to a drunken me while we were waiting at the cashpoint at 5ways. Hatton called me a twat when I had right of way at a crossing near Picton Road. I did wonder how a public servant could afford a big fuck-off car and a shiny gold watch, but everyone knew he was a cunt and his anti-Maggie act was a way of advancement.

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