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The scientific view of depression has progressed from hysteria and melancholy, to a psychiatric disease, to a chemical imbalance, and in recent years of research to a full blown systemic and neurogenerative disease that involves loss of brain tissue in key parts of the brain. Science changes as new diagnostic tools become available. Deal with it. 

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The scientific view of depression has progressed from hysteria and melancholy, to a psychiatric disease, to a chemical imbalance, and in recent years of research to a full blown systemic and neurogenerative disease that involves loss of brain tissue in key parts of the brain. Science changes as new diagnostic tools become available. Deal with it.


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Hades spends his days lecturing people about mental illness, and his evenings trying to make vulnerable forum members mentally ill. It must be some weird social experiment.

How can you be vulnerable and yet have contempt for poor people that are significantly more vulnerable than you? As long as you keep punching down nobody will have sympathy for you.

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Can I set up a monthly subscription using the wife's paypal as I don't have it. Of so please point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Aye, I use my missus’ PayPal all the time, mate. You can’t do it through the mobile version of the site but on the full version click your username at the top, click on ‘Client Area’ and choose a subscription (3 month, 6 month or 12 month). Click on the PayPal option, put the details in and you’re done.


Takes two minutes and adds three inches to the length of your dick.

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