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  1. Jobs going at my place if you have traffic planning experience .
  2. Finally home from work after being followed home by drunks, smack heads and people in wheelchairs and on crutches berating me. Work shy bastard's.... Only joking. Can I just say reading through all the comments my heart goes out to you all and I'm truly sorry if I offended anyone of you especially Harry's lad. I was tainted with the memories of my mum going through multiple operations to fix her shoulder so she could continue in the nursing home while her next door in my own eyes got away with it. Lisa my wife has now filled in online a PIP as her comment to me was ' if the mighty forum thinks I'm ok to do it then so be it'. YNWA to all the fellow reds and even the blues' who are suffering from these horrible health issues and I wish you the best of luck. PS. If anyone wants any heroin, cheap beer or a second hand walking stick then I'm your man. Peace
  3. Taking the piss now Pal. I don't read any of the shite you say I read. I knew I would get a comment from someone I've never met judging me on a Liverpool forum saying the above. I was a paid up member of USDAW who used to hold them to task after the depot I worked for was built for specicially the people in the area. This changed after 6 months due to the depot manager having a 50 percent share in the agency he owed who flooded the depot with foreign labor. I'm not saying people classed as disabled should be made out to be liar's far from it.
  4. Im not gonna lie. This brought a tear to my eye. I'm sick of this country and how it's played out. I hate the fuckers and the distrain they have for the average Joe. I just want to work and make sure the kids have everything they want and not go short of anything. This is very personal but the girls are not mine. Me and Lisa got together when the girls were young. We was child hood sweathearts in school and got back to gether 25 years after we first split. He ex was a bum who gets a flat and money because he has a drink problem. How is that right. Sorry forum, that's too mundane
  5. Thank you for your comment it means a lot to me from such a long time poster. I've been on this forum for over 23 years in different names and before you shoot me down I should be gold and not a freebie waster.
  6. I've worked anywhere from my YTS days to now. I've worked many year's with lads who could of stayed at home due to the benefits they could of got if they didn't work. It's so wrong that NOT working was the better option. I'm red through and through but things need to change. I can go on marches about tax havens and multi national companies not paying there fair share but unfortunately this country is at the knees of cuntish tabloid paper's and shitty BBC programs about people on benefits. It's a stacked deck.
  7. Thank you for your reply. Firstly the story about the woman getting a car was over 20 years ago so I know things have changed. I know this because my wife who works at st Helens hospital and whiston hospital is now classed as disabled and has a blue badge due to her disability. She looked into PIP but was ashamed of applying for it due to her work ethic so please don't claim I don't know nothing about it. My post is not bollocks as you say as it's my opinion about society. I've witnessed it. I'm the one who has to help her out of her car every night if I'm home in time. I have to witness her crying because the pain she is in prevents her from simply putting a wash on and being in the kitchen long enough stood up to cook food for the kid's if I'm not home in time. I live this shit every day through work ( I'm a HGV planner for a national logistics company).
  8. This country went through a spell of people with certain talents getting paid far too much for what they did IE banker's were as the average man got paid peanuts for a day's work and country got lazy. When I lived in Sutton our next door neighbor got paid for having a bad hip. Fuck all wrong with her but she played the system. Her husband was a plasterer and they used to go on holiday to Barbados every year. She was given a car on mobility which she gave to her son who is now a councillor of all things. I don't want to pay for them people. I've saw too many in my life.
  9. I wish I could articulate my feelings like the above. Thank you. How is it possible to have so many people out of work and yet so many jobs available. My dad worked all his life in an age of manufacture and the 80's and early 90's was grim with all the places shutting down. Sidac, BICC, pilks and many more. He ended up finishing his working life in AHH in Warrington with a knackered shoulder. My mum worked as a nurse in whiston and st Helens before working in care home's. My dad was illiterate and I had to wright my own letters for school but he got by.
  10. Am I wrong to be pissed off at these people though. I see it every day when I come home from work. The piss heads near the bus station asking me for a cig. The smack heads waiting for the meth at the walk in center. The woman in the shop with the 4 kids getting cigs and scratch cards when I know most of them and they have never worked a day in their life. I'm not racist or a gamon head just pissed off with the way certain parts of society seem to be given a free ride.
  11. They don't work ridiculous hours thou. They work according to the law. I hate the bastard's but the industry I've worked in for over 30 years has been decimated by agencies and foreign labor. Maybe it's time to bring the UK market up to a level where we are forced to pay a decent wage for the jobs we have subbed out to foreign labor because we have been able to.
  12. The wages of class one HGV drivers are going up which is a good thing I suppose.
  13. It's for the youngest daughter. Just thought someone off here might be in need for Christmas money rather than going to eBay or the usual places.
  14. Anyone selling one or parts.
  15. Excuse the French but I'm fuckin livid. It turns out that the woman who contacted us is from Facebook who go around as a charity and scan cat's that have been found. Sheldon has been in a freezer for 3 weeks but the council haven't scanned him because they weren't trained or couldn't be arsed. It's only come to light because the woman has called it to see if any cat's have been found and found one that had been run over today and noticed another cat in the freezer. I'm fucking balking my eyes out and not too ashamed to say it as a 45 year old bloke. I will donate some money to the cats protection and renew my membership to here as a thanks for messages. Thanks for all the messages.
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