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TLW Season Tickets - A Plug


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I've just realised how many quality forumites are not ST holders. Let me sell it to you: we get our own cunt-free forum that is starting to take shape nicely. The football debate in there is (weird, I know) reasoned, reasonable, passionate and engaging. There's no bickering or abuse, no repetitive and dull threads where everyone says the same thing over and over again and generally a level of ownership that has been missing from the FF for years. You can also debate other stuff too, if you like. It really does feel like the forum used to feel back in the day.


It's two quid a month, people. Not earth shattering by any means for the hours of entertainment many of you get on a daily basis from TLW. Plus you get all that other stuff you used to have like an avatar and the ability to use the rep function, if you need any more of an incentive. And if that doesn't sway you, then people like Dave, NP and DT are posting regularly again.


In short, it's ace but it would be even acer if the Section-shaped hole (along with many others, actually, but his is the most glaring after all these years) was filled. Come and join us in the promised land kids; you won't regret it.

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I think it's important to point out here than when Paul says its a 'cunt free zone', he's doing so in good faith as he is one of only two forumites who doesn't think Stu Monty is a cunt. The other one of course being Stu Monty.


I'd rep this if I could. Outside of this forum, there is only Clint Eastwood who has enjoyed working with Monty.

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I've just realised how many quality forumites are not ST holders. Let me sell it to you: we get our own cunt-free forum that is starting to take shape nicely. The football debate in there is (weird, I know) reasoned, reasonable, passionate and engaging. There's no bickering or abuse, no repetitive and dull threads where everyone says the same thing over and over again and generally a level of ownership that has been missing from the FF for years. You can also debate other stuff too, if you like. It really does feel like the forum used to feel back in the day.


It's two quid a month, people. Not earth shattering by any means for the hours of entertainment many of you get on a daily basis from TLW. Plus you get all that other stuff you used to have like an avatar and the ability to use the rep function, if you need any more of an incentive. And if that doesn't sway you, then people like Dave, NP and DT are posting regularly again.


In short, it's ace but it would be even acer if the Section-shaped hole (along with many others, actually, but his is the most glaring after all these years) was filled. Come and join us in the promised land kids; you won't regret it.


You had me, right up until the bolded bit.

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Give us a month and I probably will. Till then I've got a tenner to last me till mid-September. I can cope without rep and neg abilities till then - I still have my avatar somehow. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I see everyone elses has gone awol. Fuck The Matrix!

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is there a cat thread ?


Not yet, but if you sign up I'm sure we will have golden cat threads the likes of which have never been dreamed of.


PB15 get joined up, you would be most welcome, we all have a bit of the cunt in us, but it is far less likely to come out on the MF (Motherfuckers Forum).

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