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Absolutely sickened I just got turned away from the members forum.


Like going to a bar and getting turned away for having trainers on, so you go home and put your shoes on.


Back in now.

You do seem to have trouble getting in members only areas. Maybe Dave is in cahoots with Cruickshank!

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Anyone using this site on a daily basis who isn't gold is an absolute bum.


It's easily the best Liverpool forum on the Internet, Dave does 3 monthly subscriptions for £6. That's less than the cost of 2 pints.

The weekly roundup and match report are worth the £2 a month subscription alone.


If this site ceased to exist you'd all have to go on RAWK, or you'd have to work in work, or worse still... converse with your other half.


Put your mingy fucking hands in your pockets and pay up.

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£2 a month, that’s half a pint in a shit pub nowadays.


FFS the amount of time we spend on here everyone should be paid members!


How many of you who don’t cough up subscribe to podcasts for £5 a month for about 4 hours content? 4 hours versus being on here all day everyday? Cough up you tight bastards.

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The last couple of times my sub has lapsed I’ve left it a few weeks before renewing. Not because of the money or anything, it’s 50p a week! But purely because I’m so lazy that switching to the full skin and logging into PayPal feels like a chore. Then I finally get around to it and wonder why I’ve been putting it off because it only takes a minute or two.


It’s the same reason I’ve had four bags full of stuff for the charity shop sitting at the end of my bed for three months and my car boot is full of ripped up cardboard boxes that I was meant to take to the tip after Christmas.

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