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TheBitch last won the day on November 26 2021

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About TheBitch

  • Birthday July 26

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  1. I for one am truly shocked by this revelation.
  2. Just got my first neg off Gnasher. Made up, but it’s not the same without comments.
  3. What about her wiki record that Code posted, Gnash. Looks like she’s got a conscience and also… isn’t as thick as Trump… Edit: Ignore her laugh and how she eats a bacon butty
  4. FFS mate, she’s got a weird laugh.
  5. Genuine question… Do you like the voting system? How does it compare to the UK (does that even matter)? How could it be improved? On a scale of 1-14 how much does Kamala’s laugh annoy you?
  6. Is there no appetite in the US to change the voting system? How is it deemed ok that about 6 states decide who runs basically a whole continent?
  7. Yeah that’s all well and good, Code, but what about her laugh.
  8. Yeah it was an absolute nightmare of a book to read that. I was going back about 3 pages to read the different online chats and it was just long for no real reason.
  9. When I first started frequenting this very forum this post would have made me piss myself because of the absurdity of it. Look at where we’ve got to.
  10. When you’ve bought a new roll of tin foil and the serrated edges designed to cut your tin foil perfectly are shite and now it’s a fucking lottery what misshapen mess of tin foil you’re gonna get every damn fucking time you come to it.
  11. How long until the fans start tearing the place up…
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