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One of my work colleagues has been on at me to join a group on Facebook, called ladzone banter or something as it's supposed to be really funny. It's fucking horrendous; low-brow, homophobic, sometimes racist drivel with the occasional interesting item posted but with loads of inane comments following. Part of the reason I find it so rubbish is because of the simultaneous quality and gibbering bollocks posted on here, which gives me an unrealistic expectations of other online interactions. This also applies to a whatsapp group I'm in talking about a stag do. Great guys who are a laugh when you are actually with them, but come up with unfunny and dated memes and crap shock value videos. None of this would last 5 minutes here. TLW is my online home, no question. It has been for 16+ years

Really good mates of mine, who learned the Internet on social media, are absolute fannies online.


I think this forum does, or at least did, teach you that you have to have solid evidence for a point, because if you don't somebody will call you out and make you look a cunt. Teaches you that what you think is funny, is nonsense; teaches you that every little thought that pops into your head doesn't need to be broadcasted; teaches you that unusual points are actually shared by quite a few folks. It does a really good job on broadening your horizons out with standard trending stuff.


I am only an 8(9 in January) year man, but I agree the forum has been one of the best things I've found on the internet, although you forgot to bitterly condemn the Admin for his incredible mismanagement.

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I read and repped Kev D and Remmie's posts ages ago on this thread but have just read them again and wanted to reiterate how good they are. It's very easy to take TLW for granted - especially those of us who were in at the outset. No doubt it has changed and, in my opinion, isn't what it was. However, it is still all the things the two lads above say. For 50p a week, membership of TLW remains just about the best value entertainment it's possible to buy. Get on it, kids.

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Guest Pistonbroke

I've just renewed. 'I don't remember it being that easy!'


Yep, I just renewed myself and it was done and dusted in a few clicks, Dave can now afford a few cans this evening. 

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I would like to apologise for my current non-gold status, I get paid at the end of next week & am a bit skint this month so will renew on the 26th.


I'm not actually that skint but I'm down in London with work next week so I fucking will be before I get paid.

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