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On 15/08/2010 at 11:15, dave u said:

I think it's important to point out here than when Paul says its a 'cunt free zone', he's doing so in good faith as he is one of only two forumites who doesn't think Stu Monty is a cunt. The other one of course being Stu Monty.

@dave u PayPal is dogshit and I only have an account to pay for membership here, so had no idea that they’d changed security measures in the last 6 months, during which I’ve changed my phone number so can’t validate my account. I’ve gone round in circles trying.


can you accept money in any other way so I can fuck PayPal off entirely from my life, the bad twats.



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  • 6 months later...

These new adverts are a nightmare, time delays on some of them. Have to be on the page for X seconds before you can move on. Anyone else getting adverts between each post. Its ok on my own laptop as i have ad blockers but at work its shite


Any good blockers for phones

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51 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

These new adverts are a nightmare, time delays on some of them. Have to be on the page for X seconds before you can move on. Anyone else getting adverts between each post. Its ok on my own laptop as i have ad blockers but at work its shite


Any good blockers for phones

Click on the theme at the bottom of the page and select TLW Default2. Should all go then. 

If you’re on an iPhone an app called Crystal is a good blocker for Safari. 

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2 hours ago, redheart said:

I use it most days but its free. So what is the advantage of subscribing?

You get high quality match reports, a weekly diary which is worth the members fee alone and you contribute to the upkeep of the site, without which we would all be on Rawk and it’s highly moderated shitstick of a site and would have nowhere else to roam the internet being able to freely swear and call Hodgson a cunt. 

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1 hour ago, TheBitch said:

You get high quality match reports, a weekly diary which is worth the members fee alone and you contribute to the upkeep of the site, without which we would all be on Rawk and it’s highly moderated shitstick of a site and would have nowhere else to roam the internet being able to freely swear and call Hodgson a cunt. 


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11 hours ago, TheBitch said:

You get high quality match reports, a weekly diary which is worth the members fee alone and you contribute to the upkeep of the site, without which we would all be on Rawk and it’s highly moderated shitstick of a site and would have nowhere else to roam the internet being able to freely swear and call Hodgson a cunt. 

Where pray tell is this diary?

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5 hours ago, redheart said:

Where pray tell is this diary?

You’ll find last week’s diary here:

Dave usually puts a link to it on both the MF and FF on a Saturday night. It’s always a cracking read, you might want to go back and read a few older ones. You’ll also get the PL round-ups each week as well which are another great read.


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/08/2021 at 16:11, redheart said:

Thus far I am very disappointed with the members only section.


I expected insider transfer scoops gleaned from someone standing on a wheelie bin looking over the fence at Melwood.


None of that so far.


Very poor

The Busy Bastards Bitchfest is worth the entrance fee on its own.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've not been here for a while, but renewed the moment I returned just so I could neg SD.


Is TK-421 back yet?  He's getting negged, too.


Stig gets negged because I likes it.


Reps are handed out on a case by case basis unless your name is Cath, then it's mandatory.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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