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TLW Season Tickets - A Plug


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On 01/02/2021 at 08:09, Bob Spunkmouse said:

@dave u PayPal is dogshit and I only have an account to pay for membership here, so had no idea that they’d changed security measures in the last 6 months, during which I’ve changed my phone number so can’t validate my account. I’ve gone round in circles trying.


can you accept money in any other way so I can fuck PayPal off entirely from my life, the bad twats.



@dave u I’ve sent a PM but in case you miss that, can you turn my membership back on please. Sent £36 as bank transfer this morning because PayPal is still shite.

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On 28/10/2022 at 13:11, Clem H Fandango said:

How do you know when your season ticket is going to run out? do we get sent reminders a month before? i cant remember what happened when i last renewed.

I have the same problem , never had the email the Cap'n mentioned or any other notification and only tend to know when I start getting adverts pop up on the site. We need Elon Musk to take over.

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1 minute ago, sir roger said:

I have the same problem , never had the email the Cap'n mentioned or any other notification and only tend to know when I start getting adverts pop up on the site. We need Elon Musk to take over.

I was wondering if Usher had a spreadsheet he works from of members and then emails a reminder, but then I remembered he's not code.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is a common issue. What happened was I put the price up at the beginning of the year, but there is a glitch on the invoice renewals and a lot of them send out the old price. It couldn't be changed, so the easiest way to solve it was to reduce the length of the sub. So a three month sub paid at the old amount became two, a six month became four and in your case, a 12 month one became 8 months.


If you paid £36 then that shouldn't have happened, but if it was £24 then that's why.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@dave u I renewed on 18th May but just trying to read your latest match report, I've got the blocker asking me to renew to read the full thing. The Villa game and match report were both after I renewed and that report could be read in full. Problem?

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