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Great first album and a great time to be into music but they were shit live as Ian Brown's voice just wasn't up to it. No way would I pay to see them now. I did all that first time round (Spike Island) and they weren't worth it then never mind now.

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I got into the Stone Roses late, late 90's, when I was in my middle / late teens. I fucking loved them then, it was pretty much all I'd listen to during 6th form. I fucking loved Waterfall, the extended versions of I Am The Resurrection, Fools Gold, Something Burning & One Love. She Bangs The Drums she reminds me of some bird I loved during that time. I still remember how disgusted I was when This Is The One was played before the sides came out the first time I went to see us at Old Trafford.


And then one day my mate played me The Battle Of Los Angeles by Rage Against The Machine & Generation Terrorists by the Manics and pretty much over night I dropped all my indie albums over night. The path to the dark side had been written, I preferred it turned up to 11 and still do. The Stone Roses, Oasis and a few others were confined to collect dust on my CD rack.


When we got to Athens in 07, I was seriously struggling to pay for it so I sold all their singles on Ebay - and I had all of them on CD, every single one (I also sold the Oasis cigarette single box sets as well). I only got about £35 for all of them and in hindsight I really regret selling them.


However, when they reformed in 2012, I started listening to them a bit again and got a bit misty eyed listening to the, I would have tried to go to the Heaton Park but I was coaching in Texas for 3 months while they were playing so never bothered. I was a bit gutted about it so after 2 or 3 plays, I was over the nostalgia of it and back to cranking up my Metallica albums.


However, when I saw the news this week, I got really excited about it again. I'm buzzing I got tickets for them - I tried for the Saturday for 45 minutes and was ready to give up when the wife said they'd added a Sunday and we managed to get through and get them straight away. I've their stuff on shuffle on at the moment and the Made Of Stone track on now, what a song. I'd still be able to roll off all the early stuff but I'd completely, and I mean completely, forgotten about how good songs like Driving South, Tears & Good Times were on the 2nd Coming.


I'm sure it won't be as good as seeing them in 1989 or whatever, I'm incredibly excited about going.


Repped for the mention of Generation Terrorists; a great album that I still love to this day.

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£60+ to see a band that haven't released new music since I was in junior school. It's just a fucking human jukebox. That added to the fact that stadium gigs are soulless and shite and you quite often end up covered in other people's piss. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. 


I also had some 21 year old lad telling me a wasn't a proper Roses fan because I hadn't seen them live last night. He wasn't even alive when they were actually cool in a none retro way!

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I had several showers since but after spending several days on a few building sites being known as a scouse cunt I did actually have a momemt of manc interface in my brain just as I was leaving to the m62 and heading for Liverpool for a decent Chinese meal and intelligent (ish) conversation.


I do really like Manchester though it is PRPOER.

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Totz agreed.


They played Love Spreads and Ten Storey when I went last. Ten Storey is shite. Worst off the album by far. Deffo my piss break song if they played album in full. So I'm in tip top physical condition for the onslaught of classics such as Good Times, Begging You and Tears.

It's the closest thing on that album to the debut album stuff.  And if you think that is worse than Straight to the Man then you're bonkers!  Only half of that album is any good!

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All brilliant Roses tracks:-


Breaking into Heaven

Driving South

Ten Storey Love Song



Good Times


How do you Sleep

Love Spreads


Couple of fillers in the middle (Your star will shine, Straight to the man & Begging you) but the rest of it is fucking magic. I still think Tears is the best song they ever done.

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I expected Ian Browns voice to be shit at Heaton Park (id seen him before on his own plus people had told me his voice had been shit live) but he was ace. I was cunted out my mind like but still....


I think Brownie's solo stuff is (mostly) ace. His voice is still really ropey in a live setting though.

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Loads of us got standing tickets for the Saturday. Can't wait. My birthday that day. Hope they play Second Coming start to finish (including 5 min intro). That would be a great birthday gift. And confuse the fuck out of the majority there.

This would be ace.


Been asked by a load of people who have shown no interest in the Roses before it became cool to go and see them.


My own feeling is that this is not a reunion I have got excited about. In any way shape or form. Second Coming is the best Roses album.


When asked by these 'cool' kids about whether au was going to see them I just said "Nah, they will hardly play any of Second Coming which is what got me in to them. Not really into the all that early stuff as much. Fools Gold and Sally Cinnamon are two brilliant tunes though. The others are good, no doubt but Love Spreads just shits all over the rest for me. Boss riff throughout it. Oh and Begging You, that backward riff at the start is mad"


I am then met with 1000 yard stares and responses of "Don't know any of them"


Fuck off. The younger generation do my fucking head in.

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They've only got two albums, it's not like they went shit & made another ten, Oasis-style.


If you thought the first one was good enough that you'd spend £70 going to see them, surely you'd have a spare fiver to buy their other album.


People are fucking mental.

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Wilson's comment re Scouse melody and Manc attitude sums it all up really. The Roses have some top tunes for sure, but (for me) don't quite cut it live We all know Brown can't sing, but he's made a career out of being cool and hawking charisma in spades, and good luck to him. He seems a proper decent bloke.


I agree on the 'Mersey Paradise' comments and it is possibly my personal fav Roses track,even though it's got sod all to do with Liverpool. ("River cool's where I belong")   ...  It's actually about a place where Brown and his mates used to hang out in Northenden,  where the river Mersey is half dammed. Bit of a scally's adventure playground. I've lived near there and know exactly where he means, there's even some graffiti on the bridge - 'welcome to River cool', which rumours have it, was done by Brown's own fair hand.!


Anyway, for me, there's a band much closer to home, far more important than the Roses, namely, The Coral. Wonderful band, with some stunning melodies. I've never heard anything quite as beautiful as 'Rebecca You', (youtube it)  and James Skelly's voice is a thing of rare beauty.

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The first two have their charms too. The ones after Music of the Spheres are dull


"My Way" is decent. Some top tunes on that album. Stellify, Marathon Man, Vanity Kills, Just Like You and (particularly) Always Remember Me are fantastic. Even his mariachi style cover of In the Year 2525 is decent enough. Not as good as his cover of Billie Jean, mind, but still a good stab.

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