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Overrated. They were a good band, but not THAT good.


Agreed. I bought their self titled album after everyone kept telling me how amazing they were and while the album was good and bordering on very good, the iconic status of been the finest band around was not what I found from the album. It was good and I enjoyed it but no more then a lot of other music out there. I think in a lot of quarters, to be cool you had to love the Stone Roses.

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That's exactly my thinking. Part of me wonders if they ever actually realised their full potential though. Ian Brown's solo work has been mainly superb and the band in it's many stages were all talented musicians. Having coincidentally listened to The Second Coming this very morning, I think the band headed off in totally the wrong direction.

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Agreed. I bought their self titled album after everyone kept telling me how amazing they were and while the album was good and bordering on very good, the iconic status of been the finest band around was not what I found from the album. It was good and I enjoyed it but no more then a lot of other music out there. I think in a lot of quarters, to be cool you had to love the Stone Roses.


Meh? Or just love great music. *shakes head*


The first album is fucking great. It's fucking FACT. Gem after gem. The 2nd album is debatable, is it cool to say that too? There are 3 very good tracks on it but the rest is a little too sub-Led Zepplin for my liking.

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Meh? Or just love great music. *shakes head*


The first album is fucking great. It's fucking FACT. Gem after gem. The 2nd album is debatable, is it cool to say that too? There are 3 very good tracks on it but the rest is a little too sub-Led Zepplin for my liking.


Oh wind your neck in. I wasn't having a pop at every Stone Roses fan and I've very clearly above pointed out that to me the album is good, bordering on very good. I do however think that some people think it is cool to love the Stone Roses and that album in some quarters is considered the best album of all time. Sure one person on this thread thinks they are the best band ever on the back of one good album.

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The first album is my favourite of all time, but the Roses themselves were far from the greatest band in history. Whilst I love them, they completely fucked it up after the debut album. They could have ruled the world but the way it took them 5 or 6 years to get the 2nd album out and then it was such a disapointment meant they never came close to realising their full potential.

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The first album is my favourite of all time, but the Roses themselves were far from the greatest band in history. Whilst I love them, they completely fucked it up after the debut album. They could have ruled the world but the way it took them 5 or 6 years to get the 2nd album out and then it was such a disapointment meant they never came close to realising their full potential.


That's the way I see it.


They could have kicked on and been the greatest but they blew it and left the door open for Oasis to take their place.

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I always thought that The Charlatans became the band that The Stone Roses could have been.


Not having that. The Charlatans became a very good band...Up to Our Hips, One to Another and most of the Wonderland album are brilliant. But I don't think they ever did anything as mindblowing as I am the Resurrection or Fool's Gold.

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Well of course this is all based on personal opinions, but if you're comparing debut albums then there's no contest. If you want to compare complete outputs though, The Charlatans kept true to the music that they've always made and continually made it to a high standard for 20 years now, whereas The Stone Roses made one good album and then spent 6 years turning into Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin.


For me, songs like The Only One I Know, Jesus Hairdo, Wierdo, Just When You're Thinking Things Over, How High, and Tellin Stories for example all hold up to anything The Stone Roses ever did in my opinion.

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I think Oasis became the band that the Stone Roses could have been.


In terms of controlled arrogance, yes. Nothing more. The Roses couldnt control their arrogance, no management etc. The Roses forst album outdoes Definitely Maybe. Just. Oasis followed it up with half a great album then nosedived too.


As for the Charlatans I find them patchy. I like them as they are (apparently have the biggest Rider of the UK bands) but I agree with The Waffle.

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Was just listening to their debut for the first time in ages today. What a coincidence this thread springs up.


In my opinion, their debut is the best album of all time. I actually don't think Second Coming is as bad as people say it is; just that people were (understandably) disappointed with it after a 4-5 year wait and expected a lot more.

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Was just listening to their debut for the first time in ages today. What a coincidence this thread springs up.


In my opinion, their debut is the best album of all time. I actually don't think Second Coming is as bad as people say it is; just that people were (understandably) disappointed with it after a 4-5 year wait and expected a lot more.


Shame on you, it should be listened to at least twice a week!!

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I think the Second coming is a really good album, some excellent songs on it and its one that if i listen to once i'll be playing it again for another few listens and then i put away for another while but it'll pop back up.

As an album on its own its underrated in my view.


Don't you think it's just a little bit self indulgent. In most of the songs I get the impression that John Squire has wondered a bit off the track and carried on fucking about with his guitar, while the rest of the band all stood there looking at each other blankly.

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Guest TK-421

The Second Coming is a bit self-indulgent and would have benefited from a little restraint and ditching some of the poorer tracks like Straight to The Man. It's a good record that doesn't get near the dizzy heights of the first, but not many do. In some ways it was an impossible record to release with the expectations that preceded it.

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