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    Where I need to be but not where I want to be.

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  1. A Scotsman, in a bar in Scotland, on Hogmany. There are many things which can happen but being lonely is the least likely mate.
  2. 3.9kg Turkey Breast wrapped in bacon, 2.5kg maple and mustard baked ham, 1.5kg roast silverside joint all straight from the oven. To feed 5!
  3. Forgot to mention the Singleton 12 year old. Sainsburys doing it just now for £28. (bought one for the oldest son yesterday) they also have Bunnahabhainn on offer.
  4. Another shout for Jura. I laways have a bottle of this somwehere in case I fancy a dram. Deanston is non peaty and pretty good for the price. https://www.masterofmalt.com/whisky-by-flavour/ Have a look at the site above. Not an exhaustive list of malts but enough to give you an idea of what to look for.
  5. If this bunch of youngsters in this Barca team reach full potential, they will be talking about them for generations to come. They looked like a bunch of best mates playing foooty in the park against the dads.
  6. Like I said to you earlier mate, "whit's fur ye'll no go bye ye" is an old Scottish saying and I think meeting Fr Francis is a case in point. Sorry for your loss mate and pleased you found some comfort in desperate times.
  7. Whilst the opinion that our police force should be held to higher standards than those that they serve is a valid one, I am struggling to think of any aspect of their training which prepares them for an incident of this nature. The officers become involved in an extremely violent confrontation (regardless of the instigator, this is a fact). All of the officers involved are assaulted and, if not for the deployment of the female officers tazer it could have resulted in serious injury for the male officer who later kicks the guy in the head. The officers heart rate is probably around 180 and he has adrenaline coursing through his system, He and his female colleagues have been assaulted. In these circumstances he makes a very bad decision. Would I have done the same thing? No idea as I am nowhere near brave enough to put myself in that situation. His decsion and any repercussions for that act, need to be informed by the circumstances and his mental state at the time. For clarity. Lee Anderson is a grade A cunt and has no place in an adult conversation.
  8. If nothing else, that decision confirms to the world just how utterly inept PGMOL are, and how serious the risk is that they will destroy the game here unless we have a root and branch clear out.
  9. The most alarming thing I have noticed from our last few matches is our players inability to play a simple pass. So many of our simple passes have been too far in front, or more commonly, too far behind the receiving player which interupts a natural stride pattern and has the effect of slowing things down thus allowing the opposition time to regroup. This happens all over the pitch and is not confined to the final third. Crisp, sharp well directed passes are a fundemental requirement for a proffesional footballer so why do we have so many players that are unable to do it? It will not solve all our problems but seems to me to be the easiest one to address. So why are we not doing it?
  10. I love Nunez but he is becoming a laibilty. He needs to be taught how to finish or he needs to be gone.
  11. Nearly negged you for making me splutter my tea over my keyboard. I am definately knicking that.
  12. That is a ludicrous decison. Boxing is getting to the point where not knocking your oponent spark out means you have no guarentee of winning.
  13. A sizeable portion of our electorate are fucking stupid. The problem is that they do not want to be reminded that they are fuckin stupid. They hold their stupidity close, and woe betide anyone who reminds them that their stupidity has given us Austerity light with a Lib/Con coalition, a self harming/self inflicted Brexit decsion enabled by a pig fucking Eton spiv, full fat austerity once the patsies had been removed, a pathalogical narcissistic liar and now another spiv who is so intent on lining the pockets of his rich friends that he would take a torch to what remains of our public services. This is why so many politicians find it hard to be honest. If they were truly honest, they would say it's your fault you fucking lunatic, you voted for this.
  14. What the fuck is wrong with some of you on here. Klopp has made clear his reasons for this decsion and the timing. Some of you soap watching cunts on here have nothing better to do than look for some ulterior motive for that decision. Given what he has done for this club, and the obvious depth of feelling he has for it, do you really think he would not have considered all the repercussions of his decision and made one that, in his opinion, was best for the club?
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