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Total Longo

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Total Longo last won the day on November 19 2021

Total Longo had the most liked content!

About Total Longo

  • Birthday December 2

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    secret agent
  • Biography
    I rule

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  1. "I went down there the day it opened and the bloke that runs the gym said "oi, no professionals"
  2. All i could hear in my head when reading that was this guy.
  3. You don't need goals to be a winner, but it was a winner.
  4. It's all swings and roundabouts considering XBox gamers were denied Spiderman and The Last of Us. It's great so far.
  5. Genuinely now wondering what gets Code going more, her or the Salah stats...
  6. Overheard a fella in work just said to his mate "Every Red i know thinks they are nailed on to win the league". Seriously? None of my mates think that at all. He did kind of redeem himself by going on to say "My son asked me if i forced him into being an Evertonian, and i suppose in a way i did. That's why we have to indoctrinate the kids from an early age, as who in their right mind would choose to be an Evertonian?" He makes a valid point. I'm eternally grateful my auld fella had an ST in the Kemlyn.
  7. In anything karate related, they get knocked to the floor and then have to do that thing where they bounce back up in some sort of "hands free spring" instead of just being normal and getting up with the help of their arms. I even saw it in "License to Kill" the other day, and that was from the 80's.
  8. They've all flown over from Dublin and Oslo though, mate.
  9. The absolute lack of 'Withnail & I' from all of these lists is a crime against humanity.
  10. His parents are a woman who looks roughly the same age as him, and a young girl?
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