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VAR Thoughts?


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1 hour ago, No2 said:

There are a handful of them that only get a couple of games and usually they are Bournemouth v Fulham or if its a big team it's normally a home banker without drama. That's a huge part of the problem, they are creating a system where only the top guys get the top teams and you only get to the top by staying out of trouble. We have Atwell on Thursday, he awarded this goal and still has a job.




18% of the 27 referees to have officiated PL matched this season have refereed us in 71% of our games. But you’re probably right in implying that all of our matches are considered Big Games. And the likes of Oliver , Taylor and Tierney are probably considered the best and most experienced by PGMOL   (Consider that comment - how fucked up is that?!). Not to mention the fact that Taylor and Tierney have long track records in shafting us, and Oliver has lots of previous in recent times…. as well as lots of City-favourable stuff. 

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7 hours ago, No2 said:

There are a handful of them that only get a couple of games and usually they are Bournemouth v Fulham or if its a big team it's normally a home banker without drama. That's a huge part of the problem, they are creating a system where only the top guys get the top teams and you only get to the top by staying out of trouble. We have Atwell on Thursday, he awarded this goal and still has a job.




How does anybody even work out 'Goal' from that? If in doubt,don't give the decision is the unwritten law that governs refereeing. Atrocious stuff that.

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My thoughts on VAR is that it is promoted as a tool to end marginal decisions but the technology is not accurate enough to do that. The fastest players can run at up to 10m/s. Live TV sports, I understand, are filmed at 30 frames per second. (although this is moving towards 60 fps) So, from one frame to the next a player can potentially move up to 33cm. (about a 12" ruler for non-metric readers)


The time between each frame is 33 milliseconds (ms). When a player kicks a ball his foot is in contact with it for about 6 ms. So, if a player passing the ball kicks it in the first 6ms of a frame the receiving player may be onside, but if he kicked it in the last 6ms of the frame the receiving player may be offside.


This also means that foot of the player making the pass may start contact in one frame and end contact in a different frame - or 33cm later. So which frame are they using?


Also consider what happens when the player making the pass and the player receiving the ball are not visible from the same camera. How accurately can they marry up both views? To the specific frame? I honestly don't know.


In summary, any decision where the difference is less than 33cm should stick with the on field decision. Even with 60 fps video the uncertainty will still be 16cm. 

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1 minute ago, Lee909 said:


It's bollocks. The lines will still come out to determine if it was the whole body or not. Keep it as it is.

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

The clowns of PGMOL will find a way to continually fuck it up and be inconsistent no matter what.

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3 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


It's bollocks. The lines will still come out to determine if it was the whole body or not. Keep it as it is.


Yeah I tend to agree

Feels more like we want more goals and this will help


Wenger has turned a right prick since joining FIFA. This and wanting a 2 yearly world cup 

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9 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

There's absolutely zero difference in the allocation of this bullshit as there currently is. The only change here is that a rule players and fans have fundamentally.understood forever will be less understood by both, so intinctive feel for a decision will be harder to gauge, including for linos, and as said in reply by someone else, you still need the same bullshit lines to determine who was where.


These twats need to have less interference in matches, it's as simple as that.


Today we had a ref who I reckon was shit and got major decisions wrong regularly and yet he's jobsworthing around behind the goal at a corner to make sure balls are in the right place because all of a sudden ball boys aren't aloud to get involved or something.


Just get out of the fucking way. It isn't about you.

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VAR is utter shite and is one of the things ruining the game but it (& the officials) are not helped by ludicrous ambigious laws of the game.  Its all gotten far too complicated and there is too much interference from VAR and officials in general.  The less we see of these cunt refs the better, they need to go back to being nobodies and not the stars of the show they seem to want to make themselves out to be.

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14 minutes ago, an tha said:

Saw some talk online that Tierney told Coote to book Mac Allister today.


Now I don't believe a lot of what see online but if this is true then surely it needs investigating as it is against the rules....

That is bollocks. 


That free kick almost certainly got.given by the lino I reckon. Coote wasn't giving it but the linos have a button on their flag so they can alert without flagging and that's what I reckon happened. 


It was bullshit, never a foul and never a yellow but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

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58 minutes ago, an tha said:

Saw some talk online that Tierney told Coote to book Mac Allister today.


Now I don't believe a lot of what see online but if this is true then surely it needs investigating as it is against the rules....

That’s come from Carra insulating it in his commentary.

He hinted at the onfield ref taking his time and being told what to do on 3 occasions. 

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8 hours ago, Dicko said:

Leave offside as it is.



sometimes flagging. Sometimes not. 
Forensically checking goals for offside, whether suspected or not. 
Drawing lines for 5 minutes. 
Only VAR checking the forward passes that lead to goals. 

Offsides are the worst bit of it. 

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9 hours ago, George Costanza said:

VAR is utter shite and is one of the things ruining the game but it (& the officials) are not helped by ludicrous ambigious laws of the game.  Its all gotten far too complicated and there is too much interference from VAR and officials in general.  The less we see of these cunt refs the better, they need to go back to being nobodies and not the stars of the show they seem to want to make themselves out to be.

I don't think they want that at all tbh, you don't go into refereeing in the hope you'll be a massive star!

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It’s just one big fuck up generally. Incompetent twats most without an ounce of common sense . Look at the non penalty call for us against Mo. Now I agree it would have been soft but literally 2 mins later in our half Coote gives a free kick against us ( not sure but also maybe a yellow) for almost exactly the same thing. We received 5 cards today and 3 of them were minor offences when he delayed giving a card . Dread to think what Coote must have been like in his amateur days.

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