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Can't see her going for that unfortunately.


Stag do on the other hand...


If you have a home leg I'm sure some of the TLW lot will turn up and buy you a pint, wearing pink tops in reference to Cancer Research. I reckon Zeke will be wearing pink anyway.


Can't really add to what others have already put, it must be a bittersweet moment hearing the news and getting married, but I'm sure you will both cherish every moment you have together. Get plenty of photo's over the remaining time and share them with everyone you know.

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Ha ha brilliant.


What's with the fucking hair though?


LF, I can't add anything different or new to what has been already said, can't imagine getting that sort of news and how I would deal with it.


I am sorry to hear about the news and I share the congratulations on the good news.


Defo got to get Si to sing at your wedding though.

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This calls for a LF wedding thread, one where we get to put some classic GF suggestions forward for the big day?
I'm voting right now for a big fat gyppo wedding. Simon could tarmac the church aisle and arrange an honour guard of bat wielding pikeys or nasally sensitive Romanians.

He can just cash a few dodgy cheques in foreign banks to pay for it too, with a bit left over for beer.

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I must admit, a drastic way for Carly to make an honest man out of you, Lifey!


I won't morosely sympathise too much on the circumstances, as it seems you have both taken the fantastic decision to make the most out of it.

And that can't be a bad thing.

All my respect and best wishes.

And a metaphorical Smithwick's.


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Really sorry for you mate. Just found out that my dad has got thyroid cancer. It's completely knocked me sideways. Absolute twat of an illness.


Made up for you getting engaged though.


Now onto what I have just seen and heard above... Fucking hell. The voice of a drill, the hair of a troll.

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