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Guest Pistonbroke
Really sorry for you mate. Just found out that my dad has got thyroid cancer. It's completely knocked me sideways. Absolute twat of an illness.


Made up for you getting engaged though.


Now onto what I have just seen and heard above... Fucking hell. The voice of a drill, the hair of a troll.


Hope it all goes well for him mate and he makes a full recovery.

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Really sorry for you mate. Just found out that my dad has got thyroid cancer. It's completely knocked me sideways. Absolute twat of an illness.


My wife has gotten the same, going back in on Monday to get the remainder of her thyroid removed, hopefully it was all contained in the 2 nodules that was already removed, however just to be sure to be sure.


Oh and not to be on a downer here Fuge, but thyroid cancer in males is quite rare compared to female thyroid cancer and quite a bit more lethal. I know it isn't what you want to hear etc. just saying it as it is. One of the things I have really appreciated with the surgeon/specialist my wife has, he is the no bullshit type, tells it as it is. I really do appreciate this. Nothing worse than being given crap prognosis.


Oh and as for LF and his wife to be, enjoy the rest of the time you have left.


Cancer is a real head fuck, on top of the real fucking cunting disease. Cunt.

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I've seen to close friends what cancer can do, and how hard it is for families and loved ones to cope, but they do, they always do.


And I think that's what is important to remember, that almost all of the time. Families and friends rally together in the most cruel of times and come through it together, I can't imagine what you must be going through.


It's impossible to find words that will provide a crumb of comfort, but I just hope that you realize that you've got a lot of people rooting for you and Carly.

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Guest Pistonbroke
My wife has gotten the same, going back in on Monday to get the remainder of her thyroid removed, hopefully it was all contained in the 2 nodules that was already removed, however just to be sure to be sure.


Oh and not to be on a downer here Fuge, but thyroid cancer in males is quite rare compared to female thyroid cancer and quite a bit more lethal. I know it isn't what you want to hear etc. just saying it as it is. One of the things I have really appreciated with the surgeon/specialist my wife has, he is the no bullshit type, tells it as it is. I really do appreciate this. Nothing worse than being given crap prognosis.


Oh and as for LF and his wife to be, enjoy the rest of the time you have left.


Cancer is a real head fuck, on top of the real fucking cunting disease. Cunt.


Fingers crossed that your wife makes a full recovery mate.

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Really sorry for you mate. Just found out that my dad has got thyroid cancer. It's completely knocked me sideways. Absolute twat of an illness.


Made up for you getting engaged though.


Now onto what I have just seen and heard above... Fucking hell. The voice of a drill, the hair of a troll.


Sorry to hear that Fuge, hope the next few weeks give you a positive prognosis. x



My wife has gotten the same, going back in on Monday to get the remainder of her thyroid removed, hopefully it was all contained in the 2 nodules that was already removed, however just to be sure to be sure.


Oh and not to be on a downer here Fuge, but thyroid cancer in males is quite rare compared to female thyroid cancer and quite a bit more lethal. I know it isn't what you want to hear etc. just saying it as it is. One of the things I have really appreciated with the surgeon/specialist my wife has, he is the no bullshit type, tells it as it is. I really do appreciate this. Nothing worse than being given crap prognosis.


Oh and as for LF and his wife to be, enjoy the rest of the time you have left.

Cancer is a real head fuck, on top of the real fucking cunting disease. Cunt.


Never a truer word. x

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My wife has gotten the same, going back in on Monday to get the remainder of her thyroid removed, hopefully it was all contained in the 2 nodules that was already removed, however just to be sure to be sure.


Oh and not to be on a downer here Fuge, but thyroid cancer in males is quite rare compared to female thyroid cancer and quite a bit more lethal. I know it isn't what you want to hear etc. just saying it as it is. One of the things I have really appreciated with the surgeon/specialist my wife has, he is the no bullshit type, tells it as it is. I really do appreciate this. Nothing worse than being given crap prognosis.


Oh and as for LF and his wife to be, enjoy the rest of the time you have left.


Cancer is a real head fuck, on top of the real fucking cunting disease. Cunt.


Yeah, the consultant was blunt as fuck and laid everything on the table which is exactly what was needed. Having a load of scans done on Sunday and other tests and the rest of his thyroid is coming out in a week or so.


They found it by accident when having an op to remove some of his thyroid for a goitre, an op they were not keen on doing but my Dad insisted. Just depends how long he's had it for and if it's spread.


My Dad seemed more concerned that it's more common in women and the stick I'd give him. Said he could lose his voice as well so I've started calling him Ned from South Park.



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Lost an uncle a few weeks back through it. Lost my Ma and another uncle between the last five and ten years. Also lost grandparents before I knew them properly.


Fucking hate it. It is a proper cunt of a disease.


Hope all of you and families get the best outcome you can. Thinking of you all.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Anyone know if we can cash in Carly's pension early?


Taken from the BBC from some pensions expert answering questions.


3. I've been diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Are there special arrangements in place for those with terminal illness, regarding drawing pension early? Will it affect the pension value transferable to my wife?


As regards early payment of your pension, in cases like yours it is often possible for the scheme to pay out the whole of your pension entitlement in the form of a cash lump sum. The scheme, however, will probably need evidence from a registered medical practitioner that your life expectancy is less than a year. There would normally be no tax charge on the lump sum.

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absolutely. Also check with both of your respective employers and your banks. You may have some level of critical illness cover that you're not aware of.

likewise check your mortgage, all loans and credit cards for payment protection insurance etc. You may be able to clear entire balances in one fell swoop. Worth a look.

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absolutely. Also check with both of your respective employers and your banks. You may have some level of critical illness cover that you're not aware of.

likewise check your mortgage' date=' all loans and credit cards for payment protection insurance etc. You may be able to clear entire balances in one fell swoop. Worth a look.[/quote']


This, my father recovered from cancer it was 50/50 at one point. He didn't have any real debts but was off work for twelve months. He critical illness insurance paid him his wages and the whole of his mortgage.


Sorry to hear about your missus, cancer is a twat.

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We don't have a mortgage and she doesn't even have a credit card, she's an overdraft but that's about it.


I'm applying for a radar key and blu badge for her and we have a meeting with the McMillan rep at the CAB to see if she is entitled to anything else. I guess they wouldn't be able to complain if I gbe up work to be her carer longer term.

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