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Remembrance Day


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Those two dodgy looking guys with Hamas headbands on have amazed me.


I know they might have been paid to turn up like that to discredit the protest and they're only two people out of 300,000+ and maybe they'll be plastered all over papers and other media for a while which is great luck for those wanting to deflect from the right wingers fighting earlier on and others wanting to carry on dismissing protests and what's going on in Gaza.


They've still convinced me though. Can't have Hamas supporters roaming around in our country like that, even if they are fake. Time to switch to Zionism. My whole life has been a lie.



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In a march of over 300,000 people there were a couple of knobheads who will hopefully get nicked. 

In a crowd of a few 100 there were 90 arrests,they attacked the plod on several occasions,ran round the streets and gave nazi salutes and attacked the protest.


Both as bad as each other


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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

Fucking shithouses 



Always hard when they have the numbers or are stacked up against mainly women. At least they’re on film so will be getting a knock from plod in the next few days. Can’t work out if they’re counter protestors or just Arsenal fans after the match.


Also, half your fucking team are foreigners, you twats.

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If anyone within the million people who marched today for peace wore Hamas gear then fuck them. In 1 million people marching for peace you will get silly twats. 



Shall we focus on that? 



Over a million people today marched to stop innocent people being bombed. 


If you're against them. 


You're a scumbag. Yes you. 

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11 hours ago, an tha said:

I think he is boss!!


What is that annoys you with him?

I think mainly, I don’t think he’s funny and it was one of those where you expect to find him funny, but he just grates on me. 

Same political views, same part of the world, same football team, but for some reason I change channel and have done for a while the second he comes on.


Theres people who I feel are smug and self congratulating in their views, and he is one of them in my opinion.

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See Gove got mobbed at Victoria St

but conveniently had a large police escort. Why was the cunt taking the tube with large numbers of demonstrators still milling around instead of hopping into his chauffeur driven ministerial car ?  
Didn’t Mogg pull a similar stunt some time ago ?

Pathetic attempt at manipulation of public opinion. Who would have thought it. 

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3 minutes ago, magicrat said:

See Gove got mobbed at Victoria St

but conveniently had a large police escort. Why was the cunt taking the tube with large numbers of demonstrators still milling around instead of hopping into his chauffeur driven ministerial car ?  
Didn’t Mogg pull a similar stunt some time ago ?

Pathetic attempt at manipulation of public opinion. Who would have thought it. 


Rees Mogg does it all the time, finds a crowd and takes his kid for a stroll through it while there's cameras around.

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44 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Rees Mogg does it all the time, finds a crowd and takes his kid for a stroll through it while there's cameras around.

I fucking detest the sight of that cunt. I think he might be my least favourite of them all, and that’s saying something. Sneering, arrogant, pompous cunt

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13 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


If there was a NAMBLA rally he'd grease his kid up in arseless chaps and volley him into the crowd.

Fucking hell - that made me laugh, but then I realised I don’t actually know what NAMBLA is, so googled it. That’s me on a list somewhere now then. Excellent 


Edit - and I’m taking my laughing emoji back now because of it. You brought it on yourself. Like when my mum used to say “I was going to take you to McDonald’s, but I’m not now” and I’d be beside myself with sadness. That’ll be you now - I was going to laughing face emoji you, but I’m not now

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54 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

The Heil at it again , journalism really is in the sewer with these cunts 


“jostled” now if Corbyn had walked through the right wingers imagine 


3 minutes ago, Curly said:

I fucking detest the sight of that cunt. I think he might be my least favourite of them all, and that’s saying something. Sneering, arrogant, pompous cunt

Johnson for me then Sunak then that skinny cunt 

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