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Remembrance Day


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Wow just wow....


There are videos all over internet of far right thugs kicking off chanting at police and marchers etc...Videos of individuals at trains ststions calling them terrorist cunts and being openly racist etc and she is giving it the big one about anti-semitism and marchers placards etc.....unreal....


She can't last the week - surely....



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3 minutes ago, an tha said:

Wow just wow....


There are videos all over internet of far right thugs kicking off chanting at police and marchers etc...Videos of individuals at trains ststions calling them terrorist cunts and being openly racist etc and she is giving it the big one about anti-semitism and marchers placards etc.....unreal....


She can't last the week - surely....



She is one evil cunt her , Dog whistling at its absolute finest 

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She’s gone all in on a culture war. She thinks this dog whistling will win her both the Party leadership and then the country. It won’t win her either, in my humble opinion. She”ll be doing podcasts with Master Yaxley-Lennon by Dec 2024.

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Just now, Anubis said:

She’s gone all in on a culture war. She thinks this dog whistling will win her both the Party leadership and then the country. It won’t win her either, in my humble opinion. She”ll be doing podcasts with Master Yaxley-Lennon by Dec 2024.


Apparently she's backed by something called the common sense group in the Tory party which numbers around between six and 12 people.

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27 minutes ago, Anubis said:

She’s gone all in on a culture war. She thinks this dog whistling will win her both the Party leadership and then the country. It won’t win her either, in my humble opinion. She”ll be doing podcasts with Master Yaxley-Lennon by Dec 2024.

Agreed. Clearly thinks she’s a brilliant strategist, but she is oblivious to the reality that people think she’s vile and incompetent.

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16 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

Agreed. Clearly thinks she’s a brilliant strategist, but she is oblivious to the reality that people think she’s vile and incompetent.


The fundamental problem with people like her, Truss, Cameron, Hancock etc is that thick people don't know they're thick. There's a bullish pig-headedness about it that, in a reverse meritocracy like this, carries you far.

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21 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

Agreed. Clearly thinks she’s a brilliant strategist, but she is oblivious to the reality that people think she’s vile and incompetent.


I think she knows this is the case and isn't arsed as she wants to be appealing to a demographic that she thinks is what will win her the vote. 


She is backed by some right wing cunt called John Hayes. James O'Brien talks about it in this video (Apologies if this has already been shared) O'Brien also likes to mention he has written a book a few times in it.



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19 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:


I think she knows this is the case and isn't arsed as she wants to be appealing to a demographic that she thinks is what will win her the vote. 


She is backed by some right wing cunt called John Hayes. James O'Brien talks about it in this video (Apologies if this has already been shared) O'Brien also likes to mention he has written a book a few times in it.



I don’t mind O’Brien but he’s does bang on about his books. If you ever see him in traffic you’d have to do this…




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57 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The fundamental problem with people like her, Truss, Cameron, Hancock etc is that thick people don't know they're thick. There's a bullish pig-headedness about it that, in a reverse meritocracy like this, carries you far.

Im not sure she does, Mark. Watch that Politics Joe video from yesterday. Several of them actually lay into her. 

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4 hours ago, Anubis said:

She’s gone all in on a culture war. She thinks this dog whistling will win her both the Party leadership and then the country. It won’t win her either, in my humble opinion. She”ll be doing podcasts with Master Yaxley-Lennon by Dec 2024.


I hope she falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. She's absolute scum.

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Cleverley’s medal collection:


Stores Long Service Medal.


Stores Purple Heart (awarded for a paper cut injury while on duty in the stores).


Box Cutter Proficiency Medal.


Photocopier Medal - First Class.


Photocopier Long Service Medal.


Uniform Distribution Medal - First Class.

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