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Remembrance Day


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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:

Patriots in Nuneaton Saturday. No they're not stood all day protecting Winston Churchill and Co from Jihadi hit squads. The statue is of Jane Austen.



Maybe they just really like her books.


Aah that bastion of bellendary Nuneaton. Fuck me it’s Luton with a Debenhams 

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Patriots in Nuneaton Saturday. No they're not stood all day protecting Winston Churchill and Co from Jihadi hit squads. The statue is of Jane Austen.



Maybe they just really like her books.

That wasn't this Saturday. That's from 2020, when the big BLM statue scare was on and the Nuneaton potatriots rallied to the defence of George Eliot 

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18 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

That wasn't this Saturday. That's from 2020, when the big BLM statue scare was on and the Nuneaton potatriots rallied to the defence of George Eliot 


Oh my apologies. Plus a big sorry to the NPJA..Nuneaton Patriots of Jane Austin.


They might still be there.

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On 10/11/2023 at 15:37, TheHowieLama said:

I would guess "yep" is code for TL:DR.


Just saw this as I made the mistake of taking off ignore.



Go fuck yourself you smarmy pompous puss filled cunt. 


I said 43% Muslims. I left out Arabs as well as Jews. So I said 'yep'


Back on ignore you pop.

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  • 11 months later...

Of course it has gone too far. Poppy-shaggers everywhere, forcing them in your face. The funds raised are important and valuable but everything else associated with the poppy now ranges from cringey to disrespectful. 


Put your money in the box and wear the poppy on your shirt if you wish, otherwise shut your mouths.

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