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Remembrance Day


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56 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:



Loads on twitter defending them.

This country is utterly fucked. 

Have I got this right?

Those bucked toothed simpletons turn up yesterday to 'defend," the cenotaph,have running battles with the police,attack the,mostly peaceful march,have 120 people arrested,and the home secretary doesn't even bother mentioning it?

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2 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Loads on twitter defending them.

This country is utterly fucked. 

Have I got this right?

Those bucked toothed simpletons turn up yesterday to 'defend," the cenotaph,have running battles with the police,attack the,mostly peaceful march,have 120 people arrested,and the home secretary doesn't even bother mentioning it?

Too many people being antisemitic (allegedly) for her to give a shit about actual racists attacking the police!


The stupid gormless Wallace and gromit looking cunt.

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:

When the barmaid in Wetherspoons told him, 'sorry the Indian couple in the corner have bought the last two chicken madrass and rice.






Defo lives in the West Country. Popped up to see his mates and ended up 5 pints and a couple of ones in all of a sudden he's Rambo. Yeah, we know him. 

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10 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


Defo lives in the West Country. Popped up to see his mates and ended up 5 pints and a couple of ones in all of a sudden he's Rambo. Yeah, we know him. 


Bollocks. If any face screams "Comes from Dagenham, calls themselves a Londoner" it's that kip right there.


Used to work in construction, then flipped a few houses, now a full time landlord. Considers himself a "self-made man".



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