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Remembrance Day


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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

“jostled” now if Corbyn had walked through the right wingers imagine 


Johnson for me then Sunak then that skinny cunt 

Johnson is within a cunt hair of him to be honest. Might even be a dead heat

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9 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Horse face cunt keeps getting called the "Queen" this fucking country is a shithole. I'll give the actual Queen her credit, she was alright to be honest. Her son is a fucking cuck and Harry spotted that a mile off. 


She ain't no queen, she's the other woman.

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The problem with large scale peacefully intentioned marches are deliberated targeted by the government,the police and security agencies. They either place their agents or work with scumbags to disrupt the riots and cause violence to smear the peaceful nature of the vast majority of the crowd. It's been a tactic for many,many years and a successful one too. If it was fully peaceful there'd be no coverage and that wont be allowed to happen. The establishment is corrupt.

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26 minutes ago, Curly said:

Fucking hell - that made me laugh, but then I realised I don’t actually know what NAMBLA is, so googled it. That’s me on a list somewhere now then. Excellent 


Edit - and I’m taking my laughing emoji back now because of it. You brought it on yourself. Like when my mum used to say “I was going to take you to McDonald’s, but I’m not now” and I’d be beside myself with sadness. That’ll be you now - I was going to laughing face emoji you, but I’m not now


If it makes you feel any better, I originally thought South Park made them up.


I've just googled "are NAMBLA real" though, so that should cover my tracks. 

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Watching the festival of remembrance last night Chuck looked like his suit could have done with a good press and also that he looked as miserable sin .

Now I'm no royalist but when Brenda attended the cameras used to focus on her quite a bit and she'd generally be smiling and appreciative of the armed forces but last night they hardly had any close ups of him and his horse faced other half .


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4 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Goatees don't half make me check their beret and medals. Walters all over the place. 

Do you remember that Walter who wore an SAS beret quite a few years ago and a chest full of medals and was exposed quite quickly. 

I bet the cunt was one of them far right cunts yesterday no doubt 

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41 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


If it makes you feel any better, I originally thought South Park made them up.


I've just googled "are NAMBLA real" though, so that should cover my tracks. 

Im absolutely gobsmacked that it’s allowed on google if I’m honest. Mental

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1 minute ago, Tj hooker said:

Do you remember that Walter who wore an SAS beret quite a few years ago and a chest full of medals and was exposed quite quickly. 

I bet the cunt was one of them far right cunts yesterday no doubt 


Yes! Saw the video on YouTube. Ex mob fell walked up to him and started questioning him, watching his face drop as he spluttered about the falklands was it? Absolute weirdos. Help For Heroes pub bores basically. Nothing wrong with being proud of the forces etc but Jesus some of these lot take it onto another level. 


I was in Rhudllan a while back in a pub, landlord was a sound enough fella and we got talking at the bar. He had a help for heroes t-shirt on and you could tell he was quite proud of the services. He had a sort of midlands accent but not quite Brummie so I couldn't place it, asked him where he was from "all over mate" I thought here we go. So I said where, I've been around a bit myself lived in Plymouth, Pompey etc ex Navy and to his credit he didn't try to bullshit. Said he's a stray, moves from town to town running pubs because he likes a shant etc.


Dread to think what he would have come out with if I'd let him carry on but he was a good bloke. I'm a shit ex-forces person, not arsed one bit I was in and out in 4 years and don't carry myself as a veteran or any of that shit. I didn't go to war. It just makes me laugh when some people pretend to be something they're not capable of. Take them wankers yesterday, most military would fucking hate them lot and they think they're protecting something? Winds me up. 

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15 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Dread to think what he would have come out with if I'd let him carry on but he was a good bloke. I'm a shit ex-forces person, not arsed one bit I was in and out in 4 years and don't carry myself as a veteran or any of that shit. I didn't go to war. It just makes me laugh when some people pretend to be something they're not capable of. Take them wankers yesterday, most military would fucking hate them lot and they think they're protecting something? Winds me up. 


We got let down by removals guys once the day before we were moving out our house and had to ask our brother in law to nip down from Blackpool to help. He is from Belfast and has mum had moved his family over in the early 70's as 3 of his older brothers were already on the fringes of the IRA and she could see the way it was going. Anyway he agreed to help, but the only transport he could get hold of was a ' Help For Heroes ' charity bus from his mate who was ex-army and ran the local charity shop. Martin was shitting himself as he said if his brothers saw him he would be persona non grata, and years earlier he would probably have ended up kneeling down with a conversation going on behind him.

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3 minutes ago, sir roger said:


We got let down by removals guys once the day before we were moving out our house and had to ask our brother in law to nip down from Blackpool to help. He is from Belfast and has mum had moved his family over in the early 70's as 3 of his older brothers were already on the fringes of the IRA and she could see the way it was going. Anyway he agreed to help, but the only transport he could get hold of was a ' Help For Heroes ' charity bus from his mate who was ex-army and ran the local charity shop. Martin was shitting himself as he said if his brothers saw him he would be persona non grata, and years earlier he would probably have ended up kneeling down with a conversation going on behind him.


Shitty world isn't it. All for greed. No fucks given for peoples lives in the name of what? 

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They have scoured hours of footage of over 300,000 people and the best they can come up with is a wonan with a dodgy sign,a couple of cunts dressed up as terrorists and a coked up gove getting jostled.

Meanwhile the 'lads'protecting the cenotaph have running battles with the police,give nazi salutes and attack the march,don't merit a headline 

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