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Remembrance Day


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4 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Apparently Gove had to have a police escort from one of the railway stations after returning from his constituency.


Kind of, and this is why citizen journalism is good.


Gove was harangued for the governments position, by happy coincidence


Jo Cox was killed by a planned attack from a radicalised British terrorist.


Thats some fucking whataboutery if you’re looking for lessons.

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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Martin Daubney


Take that back, he's like a shit batman just their to keep the peace...I mean yeah he was trying to save The Penguin from getting a shoeing from Commissioner Gordon but even Batman isn't perfect.


He's not the hero we deserve, or the one we asked for.





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4 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

The second image is from a photographer Stuart Mitchell who has posted a lot of stuff from both marches today so it looks genuine. There’s worse stuff on his Twitter page (inc monocle).


However there’s a lot of fake news around this whole conflict and I am embarrassed to have contributed to it. I’m sticking to the foodie thread from now on. 

Why has this been negged??

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19 minutes ago, an tha said:

Absolute scum....


Some of the quotes in this are actually depressing - to think people are this stupid...



The usual suspects on twitter are just pretending it didn't happen and fuming at ch 4 for suggesting the palestinine march was largely peaceful 

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The Hamas headband wearing incident (not the laughably untrue first pic that was posted) is apparently true. Being reported in the Guardian, which states that the Met are investigating. 

Although I wouldn’t necessarily agree with the caption of the person who originally posted it on Twitter: 



“London , today: Pro-Palestinians openly marching with Hamas headbands.”


It’s two blokes in masks, making out that they’re pro-Palestinians, but whose identity is unknown so their political beliefs and intentions in wearing the headbands in question are also unknown. 

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