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Remembrance Day


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16 minutes ago, Carradona said:

Of course it has gone too far. Poppy-shaggers everywhere, forcing them in your face. The funds raised are important and valuable but everything else associated with the poppy now ranges from cringey to disrespectful. 


Put your money in the box and wear the poppy on your shirt if you wish, otherwise shut your mouths.

The very people they are “remembering” would fucking hate the poppy hijackers. Many decent people rightly pay their respects. Some just use it as a badge for their super Britishness and have never lifted a finger for this country. 

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Not really related but it's interesting to me that two of my Sci fi heroes, Frank Hampson who created Dan Dare, and Gene Rodenberry who created star trek, both fought in the war.


Both had visions of humanity that were based around peace, unity and cooperation where violence was a last resort. 


Frank Hampson actually had his idea for Dan Dare when he was watching V2 rockets being fired and thought "wouldn't it be good if we could use them to go to Mars instead of killing people".


The creators of films like Star Wars were the generation after. They were around during Mccarthyism and national exceptionalism,  and violence and gun battles were big features of their films.


It's like that saying, the only people who like talking about wars are those that have never seen it.


Remembrance day was explicitly designed to carry a message of "war is shit, don't let it happen again." 


Instead it became tied in with nationalism and glorification of the military. The antithesis of what it was intended for.


I really noticed it most around Iraq and Afghanistan, it does feel like it's died down a bit since though.

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I see somebody was saying the government need to increase defence spending.


79 years after the end of the second World War. 106 years after the end of the war to end all wars.


And we've still got cunts saying increase defence spending.


Humans as a species never learn, and it fucks me off.

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On 05/11/2024 at 18:44, Carradona said:

Of course it has gone too far. Poppy-shaggers everywhere, forcing them in your face. The funds raised are important and valuable but everything else associated with the poppy now ranges from cringey to disrespectful. 


Put your money in the box and wear the poppy on your shirt if you wish, otherwise shut your mouths.


On 05/11/2024 at 19:01, Anubis said:

I’d rather make a donation to a charity to help homeless veterans and observe a minutes silence on Remembrance Sunday. 

I find it far more offensive there’s still a need for the RBL to campaign for funds that should be provided by the government than I do someone choosing to not be bullied into wearing a poppy. 

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7 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Something tells me a particular fanbase might not be quite the respectful remembrance heroes they claim to be 







They are cunts above no doubt.


Would you have sung IRA songs during the 1 minutes silence? Do you condone it? Just wondering.

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