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FPL Draft Game


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After the draft

You can use the Transactions tab to make requests for swapping your players on ‘waivers’. The waivers deadline is usually 24 hours before the Gameweek deadline and any requests that you make will be processed in turns. The order will be based on the draft order before the first deadline, then once the season starts, the lowest placed in the league will get first pick. Please see the section in the rules around ‘Transactions’ for more information.

You can set up your team using the My Team tab. You can choose your starting 11 and prioritise your substitutes who will come on if one of your players does not play.

As all teams in the draft league are unique, it would be unfair to have the top player scoring double points.

You can put in a waiver request to swap a player in your current squad for the new player. If the player has only been added to the game less than 48 hours until the next deadline, then they will not become available in waivers until the following round.

You can leave the player in your squad, where he will continue to earn 0 points. To remove him permanently you must use the Transactions to replace him with either a free agent or submit a waiver request.

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Taking the above into consideration, transfers made on Thursday and/or Friday are not likely to be available for selection via waivers until the following gameweek starts.


So, with that, I think we're safe to complete the draft on Wednesday or Thursday.


Please indicate your preference from the below:

  1. Wednesday 7th August 21:00
  2. Thursday 8th August 21:00
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41 minutes ago, Sugar Ape said:

Thursday for me. How long does it take? This is all sounding more complicated than I thought!


23 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

Either suits me. 


It'll take about an hour maximum. Each pick is 90 seconds max, if I recall correctly. It's not as complicated as it sounds once you get used to it. 

No more than an hour. Pick time limit is currently 90 seconds, but that can be decreased if necessary. 


I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The current details are below:


Draft Date: Fri 9 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 18:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 16

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

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3 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

Thursday 9pm is fine with me.


There's still actually only three of us who have signed up so far.

I had noticed.


I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The updated details are below:


Draft Date: Thu 8 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 21:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 10

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

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2 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

I had noticed.


I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The updated details are below:


Draft Date: Thu 8 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 21:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 10

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

There's going to be some brutal picks near the end if we do get 10. Will be interesting. 


How many did we have two years ago, do you remember?


Head to head should hopefully mean there's some banter at least. 

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Hadn't really considered this previously, but what are people's thoughts on player trades? 


I currently have them set to none, so there cannot be trades between us, but would people want them available?


The league can be set to have the following for player trades:


None - Player trades will not be allowed in this league.

All - Player trades will not require league approval.

Admin Veto - Player trade requests can be vetoed by the league administrator.

Manager Veto - Player trade requests can be vetoed by other league managers.

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2 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

There's going to be some brutal picks near the end if we do get 10. Will be interesting. 


How many did we have two years ago, do you remember?


Head to head should hopefully mean there's some banter at least. 

I think we had 10, and agreed at that time that 8 was probably the optimum number for that game.


I think 10 is really the maximum you can have in this draft game.

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9 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

I think we had 10, and agreed at that time that 8 was probably the optimum number for that game.


I think 10 is really the maximum you can have in this draft game.

I was thinking it was 8 but I couldn't remember. Yeah, any more than 10 would just get silly. That's already 140 players. 


Sorry, 150. 

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