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FPL Draft Game


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35 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

I was thinking it was 8 but I couldn't remember. Yeah, any more than 10 would just get silly. That's already 140 players. 


Sorry, 150. 

We had 10, then FowlersGod vanished, so his place was given to Moglet. I just can't remember if Moglet joined or not...

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Anyone who hasn't yet joined the Draft Room, can you please do so ahead of the draft on Thursday evening?


I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The updated details are below:


Draft Date: Thu 8 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 21:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 10

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

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20 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

Anyone who hasn't yet joined the Draft Room, can you please do so ahead of the draft on Thursday evening?


I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The updated details are below:


Draft Date: Thu 8 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 21:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 10

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

Just tell it how it is:



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45 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

I’ll be ready for 9 but have no idea how the fuck this works. 

Exactly the same as the drafts we do on here. Snake draft, player 1-10, then player 10-1, etc...The FPL site will randomize the pick order.


All potential selections are assigned a draft ranking by the FPL site. Mo Salah is ranked number 1 pick, and so on and so forth.


There is a 90 second limit per pick - If you fail to pick within the time limit, then the highest ranked player available is automatically picked for you. You must have 2 goalkeepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders & 3 forwards, just as it is in the main game. (You are also limited to 3 players per club).


The only other differences are that there is no financial budget to worry about, and you don't have the double points captain dilemma.

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4 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

Exactly the same as the drafts we do on here. Snake draft, player 1-10, then player 10-1, etc...The FPL site will randomize the pick order.


All potential selections are assigned a draft ranking by the FPL site. Mo Salah is ranked number 1 pick, and so on and so forth.


There is a 90 second limit per pick - If you fail to pick within the time limit, then the highest ranked player available is automatically picked for you. You must have 2 goalkeepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders & 3 forwards, just as it is in the main game. (You are also limited to 3 players per club).


The only other differences are that there is no financial budget to worry about, and you don't have the double points captain dilemma.

Are you sure about this? I'm fairly sure it was unlimited when I did a public one last year.

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25 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

Are you sure about this? I'm fairly sure it was unlimited when I did a public one last year.

You're right. I've just read through the rules and there's no sign of limits to players per club.


Strange though, as all the mock drafts I've done had the limit.

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36 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

Exactly the same as the drafts we do on here. Snake draft, player 1-10, then player 10-1, etc...The FPL site will randomize the pick order.


All potential selections are assigned a draft ranking by the FPL site. Mo Salah is ranked number 1 pick, and so on and so forth.


There is a 90 second limit per pick - If you fail to pick within the time limit, then the highest ranked player available is automatically picked for you. You must have 2 goalkeepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders & 3 forwards, just as it is in the main game. (You are also limited to 3 players per club).


The only other differences are that there is no financial budget to worry about, and you don't have the double points captain dilemma.

Oh Rapey is playing then? 

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Confirmed team names that have joined the draft league in brackets:


Dynamite (Deportivo Explosivo)

Stig (The Swiggers)

Alex (Alex K)

Dim (Ray Bloody Purchase) 

Lee (Lee909)


No2 (No2)




@Elite @John102 @viRdjil


If you haven't already done so, please try and join the draft league in advance of this evening's draft.




We'll be starting at 21:00.

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Just replying to that other post here. If there's an odd number, the game will enter "AVERAGE" as an opponent every week, so it's not a huge deal if it comes to it. 


Can we get confirmation from @Elite and @John102 as to whether they're going to join? Reason being that I think @Dynamite would need to lower the minimum number on the draft from 8 as, if not, presumably the game won't allow it to even go ahead otherwise?

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3 minutes ago, John102 said:

Im in. How does it work. What is the limit to spending? 100 million?

There is no limit. It's a draft - same type of format as we do in the usual drafts. But it obviously moves much, much quicker. You can always try a mock draft if you want to see it in operation. If so, go to the "New League" tab, and then "Join a Mock Draft". 

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