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January Transfer Window 2016


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Why couldn't he make the Brazil squad for the World Cup when they had Fred and Jo up front and the likes of Bernard playing? The current manager hasn't used him either despite average Brazilian league forwards regularly called up.

Because their manager was a daft, snide cunt intent on battering other teams and hoping Neymar would pull out something special, instead of building a side with the plethora of skillful players available to him.

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Why couldn't he make the Brazil squad for the World Cup when they had Fred and Jo up front and the likes of Bernard playing? The current manager hasn't used him either despite average Brazilian league forwards regularly called up.


A lot of people wanted him but he's not got the best work rate, for one thing; plus he wasn't scoring many goals anyway. Dunga wants Brazil to grind it out, not be flashy. In some ways, Pato is a throwback to earlier Brazilian football, not the equal of but similar in style to someone like Careca.


I can't see it happening, really. What on earth connexion is there between Klopp and Pato, for example? But I do find the idea kind of intriguing.

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The Corinthians president apparently said it's done, though I haven't seen anything yet in the Brazilian press.


He's a really skilled forward. Him, Coutinho and Firmino would be something. It's true he's played more in Brazil and was injured less but the referees call everything in Brazilian football so it's a lot less physical and definitely less frenetic than the PL.


If true, could be an inspired signing, really. Or not. Corinthians will win the league in a walk. He's on loan to Sao Paulo, which is weird enough but Corinthians are the richest team in Brazil and if they balk at his salary no else will take him. For less money than Joe Allen? Even half fit he'd be worth it.

@zizouology said its bullshit.

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