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Tory Country


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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, johnsusername said:

I don't think we'll ever get rid of them. I was telling my manager in work that I was considering emigrating - I was astonished when she said most countries are in the same situation as it's global problems.


How fucking gormless are the British public? 



The thing is though the tories are better than labour at messaging to the masses - Labour have to sharpen up to change the deeply set beliefs that people have because they have bought what the torues have repeatedly drummed into them.


I come up against it often when discussing politics with people who i would expect to be socially and economically labour leaning who genuinely fear that Labour 'would make it even worse' 'can't be trusted with economy' blah blah blah.....


I also believe their media support messages more agressively and resonates with the masses more.....as much as i disagree with what the mail, express et al scream from their front pages - it does seem to land with their target audience more than say the guardian's or the mirror's front pages do with theirs......they just seem to be better at pressing the buttons they want to.

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7 hours ago, an tha said:



The thing is though the tories are better than labour at messaging to the masses - Labour have to sharpen up to change the deeply set beliefs that people have because they have bought what the torues have repeatedly drummed into them.


I come up against it often when discussing politics with people who i would expect to be socially and economically labour leaning who genuinely fear that Labour 'would make it even worse' 'can't be trusted with economy' blah blah blah.....


I also believe their media support messages more agressively and resonates with the masses more.....as much as i disagree with what the mail, express et al scream from their front pages - it does seem to land with their target audience more than say the guardian's or the mirror's front pages do with theirs......they just seem to be better at pressing the buttons they want to.

The Tories seem to trade on fear, which is a very powerful emotion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Strontium said:

BoЯis really is in trouble, there's lots of speculation that he'll seek a safer seat.

Which makes a complete mockery of the FPTP system. "I'll represent your interests in Parliament. Ah, fuck it, I'm off to represent someone else I couldn't give a shit about as long as they vote for me."


May as well have PR.

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