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Tory Country


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Would hope that after 12 years (and counting) of Tory mismanagement the general population would vote these cunts out of power for a very long time. 

Expecting a parcel today? Tough.  Posties are on strike. 
Want to take a train somewhere, Tough, they're on strike too.
Have to drive because of no trains, ok but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. 

and so on and so forth.  At what point do people break and demand change?  

If I could leave this country easily I'd go tomorrow.  The grass may not always be greener but at l could get a parcel on time or catch a train somewhere. 

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2 hours ago, Pete said:

Would hope that after 12 years (and counting) of Tory mismanagement the general population would vote these cunts out of power for a very long time. 

Expecting a parcel today? Tough.  Posties are on strike. 
Want to take a train somewhere, Tough, they're on strike too.
Have to drive because of no trains, ok but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. 

and so on and so forth.  At what point do people break and demand change?  

If I could leave this country easily I'd go tomorrow.  The grass may not always be greener but at l could get a parcel on time or catch a train somewhere. 


Even before all the strikes it was the case that swathes of the British state no longer functioned. You only really noticed when you tried to use it.


GP appointments difficult to get, dental appointments impossible to get, police never, ever turn up and pretty much never investigate anything unless all the evidence is on a plate.


Mental health care none existent. Elderly care, barely functioning at best.


My mate was a prison guard and said drugs were widespread but that they didn't crack down on it because it was the only way to keep them quiet as all their education classes bad been cut. Probation was privatised under Cameron then renationalised, but the damage was done. 


Councils were forced to sell off care homes, most of them were plundered and are now back under council control.


I've said many times, these people are like termites. They go through your house until the timber collapses, which is what's been happening for the last 10 years. Now the roof is about to cave in.


The media is complicit but largely unknowingly IMO, they're not actively in on it, but the raw material doing the job mostly isn't up to the task as it's been hollowed out by shareholder capitalism.

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2 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Boris Johnson tells synagogue audience ousting him as PM was 'a mistake' | Jewish News


why Does this remind me of patrdge doing his Q and A at the travel tavern?


Did they bring up his actual anti-semitism or is he the wrong type of target? 


2 hours ago, Pete said:

Would hope that after 12 years (and counting) of Tory mismanagement the general population would vote these cunts out of power for a very long time. 

Expecting a parcel today? Tough.  Posties are on strike. 
Want to take a train somewhere, Tough, they're on strike too.
Have to drive because of no trains, ok but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. 

and so on and so forth.  At what point do people break and demand change?  

If I could leave this country easily I'd go tomorrow.  The grass may not always be greener but at l could get a parcel on time or catch a train somewhere. 


Yeah but it's all Labours falt and I still can't believe Sadiq Khan isn't being a human stab proof vest for everyone in London. 

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5 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


Did they bring up his actual anti-semitism or is he the wrong type of target? 



Yeah but it's all Labours falt and I still can't believe Sadiq Khan isn't being a human stab proof vest for everyone in London. 

Yeah I'm guessing no one asked about his book full of anti semitic tropes 

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

Got half way through and had to stop. 


It's the level of confusion I find amusing/interesting and is reminiscent of conversations I've had with other folk (especially the old). I think it's pretty telling that the favorite targets of blame within the UK's rancid press come up as being sources of the problems that people can see manifesting, rather than the actual drivers of immiseration.

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

To be fair Joe is pretty left wing so they've probably been cherry picked. Vox pops these days often are. 

Agreed, but that underlying confusion as to how things have turned out like this is definitely a trait I pick up elsewhere. People don't have the heuristic  through which they can analyse what is happening.


I think the broadcast media are particularly culpable around this, the previous reithian efforts to educate the public on fairly basic things that are going on within the country have been abandoned in large part. This is particularly true for our political reportage which has become breathless court gossip instead of informed overview.

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8 minutes ago, Moctezuma said:


It's the level of confusion I find amusing/interesting and is reminiscent of conversations I've had with other folk (especially the old). I think it's pretty telling that the favorite targets of blame within the UK's rancid press come up as being sources of the problems that people can see manifesting, rather than the actual drivers of immiseration.

People love to believe what they are told to believe.


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4 minutes ago, Moctezuma said:

Agreed, but that underlying confusion as to how things have turned out like this is definitely a trait I pick up elsewhere. People don't have the heuristic  through which they can analyse what is happening.


I think the broadcast media are particularly culpable around this, the previous reithian efforts to educate the public on fairly basic things that are going on within the country have been abandoned in large part. This is particularly true for our political reportage which has become breathless court gossip instead of informed overview.


I find it genuinely baffling how people can be surprised at what's happened under the Tories, I don't vote for them because this is what they do - that's why I...erm, don't vote for them. 


I remember the 80s and early 90s being a time when the NHS, schools, councils and public services were on their knees, homeless people were everywhere, the gap between rich and poor rocketed and the government was rife with sleaze. Erm. 


Do people vote for the photoshopped idea of what a Tory government is rather than what it actually is?

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The problem in places like that and similar places all over England is that the Tories have tapped into some fundamental deep rooted things in people and people continue to vote for them and support them and believe Labour would be against them and their beliefs/feelings.


It is things like:


They are the best party for working people, Labour is all about handing out benefits.


Immigration.....taking control of our borders and all that bollocks....


Britishness - the monarchy...all the other flag shagging shite...i'll add a touch of racism and xenophobia in with that too frankly.


Socialism is bad.


The problems people have and the reason they are poor is because of the people poorer than them and Labour would make that 'fact' even worse....they'll give all your tax money etc to scroungers and immigrants...


Labour will have the unions calling all the shots and everybody will be on strike.


And the worst part of it all is people swallow all this and regardless of mess we are in they believe it will be even worse under Labour - Labour can't seem to win these people over and change the perception and they can't seem to find a way to resonate with these people the way the tories have on these issues.


It is so sad.


We all know the tories are the party of the rich and Labour are the party of the working classes - the problem is the tories have conned the masses into believing they are the party of the working classes and pushed Labour to the margins of being seen as the party of the poor and scroungers and immigrants etc.....and the so many of the working classes see themselves as 'better' than those 'others' who are 'taking the benefits' etc and don't and won't vote same as they do so they vote Tory.....Even though the tories do fuck all to help them or make their lives, their shite towns etc better.









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35 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I find it genuinely baffling how people can be surprised at what's happened under the Tories, I don't vote for them because this is what they do - that's why I...erm, don't vote for them. 


I remember the 80s and early 90s being a time when the NHS, schools, councils and public services were on their knees, homeless people were everywhere, the gap between rich and poor rocketed and the government was rife with sleaze. Erm. 


Do people vote for the photoshopped idea of what a Tory government is rather than what it actually is?


People vote for whoever sounds confident they have the answer to something. It's why fascism begets fascism. It always starts with othering, and if the electorate have already been hoodwinked into thinking it's all the fault of one set of others, it's natural to buy into the switch to whoever becomes the new target. It's like whack-a-mole; there's no end.


We've been through the EU, now we're onto unions, asylum seekers, and the culture wars. We've still got single mums, the disabled and the unemployed to fully demonise yet for the crisis we're in.


For a generation who experienced a huge rise in living standards, it's easier to keep believing the lie that it was your own hard work in a Tory meritocracy that brought your detached house and decent pension, than accepting the left saying you were just lucky, and the current mess is down to the Tories.


Kinda reminds me of the end of Shutter Island - most would rather not face reality.

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21 minutes ago, an tha said:

The one thing the rat bastards are better at than labour is messaging and campaigning and as you say above tapping into emotion.



I dont even think its that. its easy answers. People are fed this narrative and they dont have the inclinitaion to challenge it. Ive been arguing with loads of them on twitter..labour crashed the ecomony,migrants are invading the country,corbyn is a racist etc etc..when you challenge them,they have nothing to fall back on.Its not even like disagreeing with someone politically. Their entire belief system is based on Lies.Its quite scary really.


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