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About Bourbon

  • Birthday 02/11/1977

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    Bon Viveur in excelsis

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  1. Top 4 is the target for them behind the scenes I suspect, I agree it’s best to be pragmatic and I think we’ll do it - they’ll know it’s best to bed on together and build the season accordingly. I opened this thread dreading a load of 1st or 2nd shouts, knowing that that will just cause a load of toxic pressure in the stadium but most on here feel similarly - it’s a huge ask for a fella from an ordinary level of football to adjust to that alone, let alone the cultural nuances of being at Liverpool. The broader national media and the internet bantz/tellyclapper markets will be frequently horrendous but 4th will give him and us a great platform. I was starting to wonder if FSG see the horizon but there’s rumours of them planning an expanded Kop stand, which would be great if they can eventually sell the club on with only the squad needing investment, outside of obvious outlay, of course.
  2. Been enjoying this, they definitely do NOT want to sell Branthwaite, Pickford or anyone in order to help stay afloat, conveniently never mentioning once how said players can fulfil every one of their ambitions and dreams whilst in Walton. I’m surprised they haven’t gone full “kopite Tory” circle and suggest the new Government investment fund bail them and become lucky enough to partner with the UK’s most storied, sporting heritage centrepiece.
  3. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them tying themselves in knots over this summer arguing amongst themselves about supporting England, constantly reminding themselves how superior they are to Liverpool supporters who don’t like England whilst reminding us that all Liverpool support is out of town, despite England being hugely popular outside of Liverpool in comparison to throughout the city. This of course is all predicated on them desperately needing England to win, just to keep Pickford as he’s never going to win anything with them and they’re constantly telling the world how good he is - but never actually stating that he can achieve his ambitions there. Throughout the summer they aimed their bile at Alexander-Arnold for two things mostly - accepting a call up (he’s a shit right back and not good enough to play midfield) and attacking him personally because pundits and social media mostly refer to him using his first name, like both are his fault, whilst also attacking Reds for not supporting him because it’s England. Even trying to summarise their summer feels like being put through a psychological washing machine. Apparently “DCL” (funny how they constantly refer to him as this whilst aiming endless bile at “Trent” if anyone uses that) has refused a contract extension and Utd remain in for Branthwaite. I hope someone competitive comes in for Pickford and at around half of what they rate him at, ideally late in the window.
  4. The beauts have signed a few already haven’t they, got new ownership looking likely and the stadium next year. With a derby win under their belts and Slot coming in from a much lesser market, they’ll be fancying themselves to do us again and be all over any and all losses or dropping of points - it’ll be lost the league at goodison park all season, too. We need to get back to prioritising derbies and really making sure we’re as far ahead of them as we have - it’s taken years and a lot of good football and hard graft to put them where they are in terms of Liverpool, I’m sure Slot understands a local derby coming in from Feyenoord.
  5. I wouldn’t be surprised or upset if he completed his Copa campaign with Uruguay, had a week’s holiday and came back alone without her and the baby and told us he was done here and there’s a list of clubs who his agent has sounded out and want to negotiate with us. Edwards then has to decide if it’s better to move him on this summer or next, depending on what’s outstanding to Benfica and what we can realistically bring in for him. You’d imagine Edwards would normally ask for our money back plus profit but with a new coach coming in wanting to shape his own team asap, he may compromise. I really liked him but it just doesn’t seem to work, at least not at the level that he and the club intended for it too and just can’t see it happening - happy to be proven wrong of course. I’ve read that his happiest time was on the south coast at Almería, where they’re buying or already have a place. She’s Spanish, too. Does his basic fee work out at £64m plus add on’s? Wonder if Atletico have a spare £55m knocking around, he’d love it there under Simeone, being the legs around Griezmann etc
  6. Is a born Red, was at the Academy before being let got for being undersized, shelved it all whilst at The Shite and has since gave an interview during the first week of England’s camp citing Anfield as the best place to play football, especially when YNWA is given an airing. I’d love for us to sign him if Diaz went as long as the numbers broke even or as close to.
  7. Comfortably. As a bonus, he’s absolutely gagging to come to Liverpool too, he’s not just winding the Shite up.
  8. Currently enjoying the psycho bleating about this Branthwaite link to Utd. Tapping up, corruption and PSR illegalities in the face of wholesome victim underdogs being cruelly punished by being forced to sell a player they developed and nurtured to the bloated, vile Sly Six. He was barely mentioned until he’d kicked on at PSV and they needed all hands on deck after becoming a basket case of their own making. He’d been at his hometown club for 10 years before they beat other clubs to pay £1m. Yet they developed him, apparently, after 3 seasons of utter chaos. They’re also completely airbrushing out that the face that the player himself has so far refused to come out and at he doesn’t want to leave to move on to a bigger sporting and financial market, as that would point out that he’s already done the exact same thing when they bought him.
  9. Just you and the kids from now on, babe xx
  10. 2016-22 he was a very good right back plus all of his talent with the ball. Then he seemed to just switch off, often out of position and synch with the back four, then not look arsed about defending when he had to. Distinctly remember one big game where he was targeted, was beaten a lot and was just hanging out a token leg - it may have been Martinelli - and coming home listening to the anfield wrap and that John gibbons lad saying it almost doesn’t matter, it’s expected, he’s an extra man. I’m thinking he’s the specialist right back in a flat back four, not a defensive decoy. With the contract running down folded in, it looked like he wanted out, was lining up a move to midfield and with Davies linked to Real in a similar manner, it looked like to there. But you just can’t see him getting into Real’s first choice midfield - the French lads, Valverde. Then they have the 3 Brazilians and Mbappe, Brahim in attack. Certainly can’t see Ancelotti touching him as first choice right back, given how much he’s happy to set them up out of possession and sit and wait, absorb. He’d have to learn catenaccio, a whole new level of defensive play. So something doesn’t make sense, has he voted with his feet and down tools in protest to right back and just sees himself as some sort of midfielder, does want to stay but it’s midfield or bust or has he had his head turned and thinks whatever the outcome is at Real, he’ll have it better? Someone’s mentioned playing him as a 10, with two proper centre mid’s behind him and the more I think about it, the more that suits the way he views himself, that’s the only way he’s going to move forward, what makes him happy. One thing we can’t do, is let him go for a free - sets a dangerous post-Klopp precedent and damages the balance sheet and budget for the new fella. Have a horrible feeling we’re going to get stung like McManaman and Owen again, though.
  11. haha, hilarious. Of course she is. Wondered why she didn’t reply. Her ironic bantz gimmick is usually funny but she comes across very well brought up and creative, well spoken and not from Walton or the north end of the city centre.
  12. Never really noticed her accent but I’ve a sneaky one that she might not be from Liverpool, I’ve gently asked her, see if she replies. In other Walton news, there’s another planted story linking Branthwaite to Utd at £75m. Scrolled down a BS board and they’re asking for double, saying he’s worth £150m now that there’s a competitive market for their ownership. £150m, can’t get into that England side, without Harry Maguire.
  13. One thing I’ve noticed is that England don’t seem to know their best side, everyone ringing in and contributing to discussions seem to have a completely different side and it starts in a few weeks. France, Spain, Portugal and maybe Belgium all have better sides and Italy and Croatia just have that inner competitive animals in them and a righteous sense of national pride that is England arguably haven’t had since the 60’s. Pickford Walker Stones Maguire Shaw (Trippier if Shaw isn’t match fit) Rice Gallagher Saka Bellingham Foden Kane Isn’t particularly strong in relation to the top 3, 4 sides and that’s England’s best and most balanced side, it’s also inexperienced, several other sides have winning international cores. Yet the expectation and pressure on them will be as high as ever. France will probably win it but I’m really keen to see what De La Fuente does with Spain. How Portugal manage Ronaldo’s influence in the face of Jota and Ramos both better suited to their mobile and robust countering style, is fascinating too. If they tell him he’s a squad talisman and a break glass alternative, they could go very close. Also excited to see what Netherlands do with a raft of expressive talent, too. They too could walk through that England midfield with the likes of de Jong, Simons and Koopmeiners overloading around Rice plus another.
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