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  • 1 month later...
47 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Trust me. It's not as much fun as you think it is being 'blessed/cursed' with such thick growing hair. Just another pointless chore every week.


Trust me, I would pay a fair bit of money to swap places on that front.

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The only chore, such as it is, is that I need to use the clippers once a week on their lowest setting. The male pattern baldness is obvious if I wait any longer. In the warmer months, I'll then wet shave down to pure slaphead. To be fair, it's still a lot less faff than going to a barbers, and significantly cheaper too. Of course, if I still had a lush head of hair, then the trip to the barbers every 3 weeks for a trim is no chore either. Make the best of what you've got while you've got it.

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  • 6 months later...

How does a skull shave compare to a wet shave?


My second to the bone wet shave was a lot neater but if a skull shave is less effort and equally smooth I may plump for that.


Not paying over £100 for the branded skull shaver though, I'll go for the non-union Mexican equivalent (tm Simpsons)

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1 hour ago, Remmie said:

How does a skull shave compare to a wet shave?


My second to the bone wet shave was a lot neater but if a skull shave is less effort and equally smooth I may plump for that.


Not paying over £100 for the branded skull shaver though, I'll go for the non-union Mexican equivalent (tm Simpsons)


Got a non-branded one for father's day a couple of years ago. Initially, the shave was very close, but the one I've got is tricky to clean and has become a bit less effective. Still looks OK, but I'd probably invest in a mid priced one if I were you.

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On 16/11/2023 at 08:54, Captain Turdseye said:

I’m got plenty of hair but it’s definitely receding slightly at the sides on the front. I’m dreading going bald though because I’ve got a whopping scar across the top of my head. There’s no way I wanna be telling that story all the time. 

I have that potential problem but but still have enough hair for Her Indoors to moan about me getting it cut on a regular basis. (the moaning, that is)


Got a couple of grey ones coming through though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For years I’ve been going to the barber for them to spend longer on my ears, nose and eyebrows than they did on my hair. 

Today the barber spent more time with the thinning scissors trying to blend in the top of the arch of my ‘Mr Motivators’ with the complete lack of anything else on top my head. 

No more! 

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  • 3 months later...

I've been having my head shaved with a Wahl down to stubble for years but decided to take the plunge and buy a head shaver and take it down to the bone.

It arrived yesterday and I used it for the first time earlier today and apart from looking like a fucking thumb I'm pretty pleased with the result.

No more fucking about with getting my sideys straight and level, they're gone.

Should have done it years ago.


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3 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

I've been having my head shaved with a Wahl down to stubble for years but decided to take the plunge and buy a head shaver and take it down to the bone.

It arrived yesterday and I used it for the first time earlier today and apart from looking like a fucking thumb I'm pretty pleased with the result.

No more fucking about with getting my sideys straight and level, they're gone.

Should have done it years ago.


You should invest in some woolly hats. 

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14 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

Starting to thin slightly, gone for the comb forward 'luke littler' style rather than the combover.


I did laugh reading that turkish barbers  (mostly unqualified) are contributing to increased cases of ringworm with their skin fades which can cause bald patches. Good luck with that snow flakes!

I'm assuming a 'skin fade' is shaving the hair short to the skin in some places while leaving it slightly longer in others? Hence Liverpool FC must have a Turkish barber on their staff.

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