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Bruce Spanner

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7 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Madness, but done.

Madness from who? I have Ndidi doing a very similar role to Fab, I've loads of other competent midfielders but no one who can score a goal. I don't know or care about John's needs.

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7 minutes ago, No2 said:

Madness from who? I have Ndidi doing a very similar role to Fab, I've loads of other competent midfielders but no one who can score a goal. I don't know or care about John's needs.


I'd take M'bappe over pretty much anyone in the game, but I suppose it's kind of an even trade.

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35 minutes ago, John102 said:

@Bruce Spanner


Are any of M'Bappe, Firmino or Fabinho injured or can this go ahead. Want this wrapped up quickly to move on to other targets. 


If not, I'm happy for transfer so just need a definite from @No2


56 minutes ago, No2 said:

Once he's not injured we have a deal my friend. 


@aRdja as Neil Lenton says you have been gazumped.

Fucking negs

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2 minutes ago, Alex_K said:

Can someone remind me who manages who? If someone can bump the list can put it in a new topic so it’s visible 

Paulie - Chump Manager FC

Istvan - Dynamo Kuntstain

Alex K - No Surrender

Captain - Inter Yermam

Skidders - Limo Wreck FC. 
Streat Preacher - Dunder Mifflin 
Karl B - FC Fakey Cake Makers

Sir Roger - Jarg Hispalis

Mr Holliday - Jelly Jalopy 
RB14 - Rainbowl Aces

Pidge - Shambles

Ardja - Mr & Mrs Trouble

Stig - Borussia West-Derby

SD - S.S.C. Sergio Georgini

Golden Eel - The Lamb and Flag 
Dynamite -Deportivo Explosivo

John102 - John102 FC

Scott M - The Champions

Bruce - Bruce, Yeah

NO2 - AC No D

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5 minutes ago, Pidge said:

@Captain Turdseye


You still in need of a DM?

Dunno. The game has me playing formations that I didn’t pick. 

I’m switching to all out, and I mean all out, ATTACK. I’m open to offers for my big hitters like Origi, Higuain and Florian Thauvin. 

Dejan is going nowhere so don’t even think about asking. 

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3 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Dunno. The game has me playing formations that I didn’t pick. 

I’m switching to all out, and I mean all out, ATTACK. I’m open to offers for my big hitters like Origi, Higuain and Florian Thauvin. 

Dejan is going nowhere so don’t even think about asking. 

Thauvin for Allan was what I had in mind. A swap of the not-as-shit-as-you-think-they-ares.


With Bale in and out (who could have foreseen that?) I could do with another wide backup.

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