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Transfers! Closes 9am Monday.

Bruce Spanner

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Gonna be swaps only, how many players a you choose to swap for a player is fine.


So, say I want Messi, for example, I could offer X+X for him, like the American trade system.


I want to cap it at max two trades per player, however many players that is, as it’ll become a shitfest if it’s a free for all.


This is  the thread where you can discuss swaps, or you can do it by PM if you’re a devious cunt. Tag me in to transfers agreed and I’ll swap players over.


All data is below so you can judge what you need etc and then they’ll be a window of two days before I start the fixtures back up, with no transfers after this.


You can also send tactics tweaks during this period.





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25 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Brucey. My last game featured no AM’s whatsoever. I don’t think any of my preferred formations were like that at all. I didn’t have any players to play MR and ML so there’s no way I’d set anything like that. What’s occurring?


I asked assistant to pick 'best positions' for players to give you an idea about formations and what you might need.

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2 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

Below available for offers:


Domenico Berardi (AMR ST)

Franck Kessie (DM MC)

Kieran Tierney (D LC)

Diego Llorente (D C)


Other players are not necessarily unavailable, but will take serious offers for consideration.

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Screenshot 2021-02-06 at 08.48.58.png

Draxler for Beradi?


Grimaldo for Tierney? 

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3 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

Due to his long term injury, I'm taking Diego Llorente off the transfer list.


@Bruce Spanner - Is there any possibility that we could swap long term injured players for non-selected players, but maybe make it that they have to be under 21s?


Not really as others have/had long term injuries from the start and didn't have the option, so I'll say no to that, sorry.

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