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1 hour ago, The Guest said:

I spent the first couple of months worrying he was going to get fed up with all the cryarsing about signings and people leaving the ground with about 10 mins to go and jack it in.


It’s madness that he come here when you look at the state we were in.  Try not to worry about when he leaves.  It seems obvious it’s going to be at the end of his current contract but it doesn’t matter.  Just enjoy every second of him being here because I doubt we will see anything like him again.

This. I'll be gutted when Jurgen goes. Fingers crossed he'll have got the 30 year old 'monkey' off our backs, maybe even twice, before he does. But when he does, he will leave with only my goodwill and blessing for the job he'll have done.


Maybe he'll decide to give it another couple of years after this contract, maybe the German FA will make their move for him around that same time? Who knows, just enjoy the ride.

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I’ll be honest, I’m getting very tired of all the talk around his future recently. Have seen several stories today, Dortmund called and asked him to go back; he would “think about it” if Germany offered him the job. Alright, that’s fine, lots of people think about their future and he’s not going to want to be here forever. Is it really an appropriate time to be talking about all this shit, 8 games into a new season? I’m really sick of hearing about it already 

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2 hours ago, aws said:

When is his current contract up? 

Summer of 2022 according to this.




He will see out his contract I reckon, so that gives us two more seasons after this one. I have a feeling he might decide to leave after that as he gave both Mainz and Dortmund 7 years each and he would have done the same with us. He might decide to give it another two years though if he’s still enjoying it and we’re still in a really good place.

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4 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

Summer of 2022 according to this.




He will see out his contract I reckon, so that gives us two more seasons after this one. I have a feeling he might decide to leave after that as he gave both Mainz and Dortmund 7 years each and he would have done the same with us. He might decide to give it another two years though if he’s still enjoying it and we’re still in a really good place.

Thanks.  I thought it was 2022 but a couple of posters have mentioned the end of next season.  

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On 08/10/2019 at 19:50, Bjornebye said:

Said it on here before but the night we got him... I was on my way home from work when it came up that he was here. I got in and watched the whole press conference before I even took my coat off. Just sat there with tears in my eyes. I knew he would do magical stuff here. He fits like a glove. Staring up at the Liver Bird facing the city the day of the parade will be a moment that will live with me for the rest of my life. Then the cheeky bastard goes past on the bus pissed out of his head. If we can get another 5/6 years out of him then we need to offer him anything he wants. 

Brilliant that. The thought of him ever leaving fills me with dread.give him anything to keep him here. He's very special and the best man for the job since Bill. 


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20 hours ago, Butch said:

Brilliant that. The thought of him ever leaving fills me with dread.give him anything to keep him here. He's very special and the best man for the job since Bill. 


Why do we give a fuck about squad value? His value has been on the field and putting the club back where it belongs,among the greats of World football. Without success on the pitch,monetary value is just the cost of running a business. He has turned us into winners once again.

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50 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Why do we give a fuck about squad value? His value has been on the field and putting the club back where it belongs,among the greats of World football. Without success on the pitch,monetary value is just the cost of running a business. He has turned us into winners once again.

Whether you like it or not it's all about the money. Success brings money, and we can see with Chelsea and City money brings success. 

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