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8 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Said it on here before but the night we got him... I was on my way home from work when it came up that he was here. I got in and watched the whole press conference before I even took my coat off. Just sat there with tears in my eyes. I knew he would do magical stuff here. He fits like a glove. Staring up at the Liver Bird facing the city the day of the parade will be a moment that will live with me for the rest of my life. Then the cheeky bastard goes past on the bus pissed out of his head. If we can get another 5/6 years out of him then we need to offer him anything he wants. 

Brilliant that. The thought of him ever leaving fills me with dread.give him anything to keep him here. He's very special and the best man for the job since Bill. 

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It actually makes me a little sad to think it’s been 4 years in a perverse way, I can’t bear the thought of him not being our manager. Yes, we’re absolutely fucking boss, our best team in 30 plus years, reigning European champions, looking like we have our best chance to finally deliver the holy grail. I’ll never forget those days in October 2015 when it became apparent that we were getting him, it was like Christmas as a kid again. Those interviews and press conferences, he was even better than I imagined,  the first few games I was in such awe of him, now I am in even greater awe. I genuinely love you Jurgen, please never leave us.

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2 hours ago, LFC 6 Times said:

It actually makes me a little sad to think it’s been 4 years in a perverse way, I can’t bear the thought of him not being our manager. Yes, we’re absolutely fucking boss, our best team in 30 plus years, reigning European champions, looking like we have our best chance to finally deliver the holy grail. I’ll never forget those days in October 2015 when it became apparent that we were getting him, it was like Christmas as a kid again. Those interviews and press conferences, he was even better than I imagined,  the first few games I was in such awe of him, now I am in even greater awe. I genuinely love you Jurgen, please never leave us.

Made me jealous reading that. I love him more than you. Fuck off 

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6 hours ago, LFC 6 Times said:

It actually makes me a little sad to think it’s been 4 years in a perverse way, I can’t bear the thought of him not being our manager. Yes, we’re absolutely fucking boss, our best team in 30 plus years, reigning European champions, looking like we have our best chance to finally deliver the holy grail. I’ll never forget those days in October 2015 when it became apparent that we were getting him, it was like Christmas as a kid again. Those interviews and press conferences, he was even better than I imagined,  the first few games I was in such awe of him, now I am in even greater awe. I genuinely love you Jurgen, please never leave us.

Where he goes after us is even more troubling. Imagine him at City. Or Real Madrid.


But hopefully he will be here for a few more years yet.

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56 minutes ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

Where he goes after us is even more troubling. Imagine him at City. Or Real Madrid.


But hopefully he will be here for a few more years yet.

There is more chance of Guardiola taking over at Stoke than Klopp taking over at City.

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1 hour ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

Where he goes after us is even more troubling. Imagine him at City. Or Real Madrid.


But hopefully he will be here for a few more years yet.

I can't imagine him going to a moneybags club. I don't know whether it would appeal to him. Where's the challenge?

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Oct 5: Ancelotti and Klopp are the two names everyone is talking about now, and despite all our jokes about Eddie Howe and Garry Monk etc, it does genuinely look like FSG mean business this time. Let’s face it, why would you sack Rodgers now if you weren’t going to get someone that’s proven quality? I’m quite excited here, which is never a good thing as usually ends in disappointment all round. Just ask my wife….


Oct 8: It’s happening. Kinell, Klopp is gonna be our new manager. Fucking hell.


Oct 9: Fair to say that Klopp’s press conference has done nothing to quell the mass high-steria sweeping our fan base. In fact, he’s merely added to it as he knocked the fucker out of the park. Everything he said merely increased the hype and expectation, he’s got everyone eating out the palm of his hand. I’m trying to keep a lid on my own excitement because these things always end in tears for us, but it's not easy as he’s the fucking man isn’t he? Absolutely can’t wait for the Spurs game now.


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2 hours ago, AngryofTuebrook said:

I can't imagine him going to a moneybags club. I don't know whether it would appeal to him. Where's the challenge?

He seems to like the challenge of resurrecting a fallen giant. Even worse would be him going to United. Can't see that happening though but can't see him retiring either. 

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1 hour ago, M_B said:

Think he'll manage Germany next. He'll probably win the World Cup too.

I think this might be the most likely route as the way he is talking about breaks etc. I am not sure he would want to take on a massive re-build such as Milan which would take him close to his 60's in all reality.


I can see him staying with us this and next season , take his mooted period out of the game and take over Germany after Qatar 2022

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I spent the first couple of months worrying he was going to get fed up with all the cryarsing about signings and people leaving the ground with about 10 mins to go and jack it in.


It’s madness that he come here when you look at the state we were in.  Try not to worry about when he leaves.  It seems obvious it’s going to be at the end of his current contract but it doesn’t matter.  Just enjoy every second of him being here because I doubt we will see anything like him again.

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