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9 minutes ago, Morning Glory said:

4 years ago today, the day that changed us as a football club. What a ride this wonderful bloke has taken us on. Long may it continue.



One of the things we all hoped for was a total or almost total clean out of the players. Only Milner is starting now from the team he had out in his first game. One of the things that preceded him was his reputation for overhauling a team and squad when taking over and 4 years later, boy has he done. Very well done on his first 4 years, now we just need him tonstay 40 or so more as our manager.

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33 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

The best transfer the club has made in many a long year he's just fucking brilliant in pretty much everything he does if it's possible I'd get him signed up for as long as he wants 

Said it on here before but the night we got him... I was on my way home from work when it came up that he was here. I got in and watched the whole press conference before I even took my coat off. Just sat there with tears in my eyes. I knew he would do magical stuff here. He fits like a glove. Staring up at the Liver Bird facing the city the day of the parade will be a moment that will live with me for the rest of my life. Then the cheeky bastard goes past on the bus pissed out of his head. If we can get another 5/6 years out of him then we need to offer him anything he wants. 

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