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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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Hmm, lets sack a shit manager, replace him with an even shittier manager, then sack him and get back the old shit manager ??? Oh and lets give them a few million quid while we are at it ?


Fuck off, you mong .

Time for new ideas and drop this whole pathetic fucking Rafa bullshit, im sick of hearing about the cunt . He has gone, grow the fuck up .

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Hmm, lets sack a shit manager, replace him with an even shittier manager, then sack him and get back the old shit manager ??? Oh and lets give them a few million quid while we are at it ?


Fuck off, you mong .

Time for new ideas and drop this whole pathetic fucking Rafa bullshit, im sick of hearing about the cunt . He has gone, grow the fuck up .


Implying Rafa is a worse manager than Hodgson? Are you on drugs? And why is Rafa a cunt?

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Hmm, lets sack a shit manager, replace him with an even shittier manager, then sack him and get back the old shit manager ??? Oh and lets give them a few million quid while we are at it ?


Fuck off, you mong .

Time for new ideas and drop this whole pathetic fucking Rafa bullshit, im sick of hearing about the cunt . He has gone, grow the fuck up .[/quote


Oh the Irony

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Hmm, lets sack a shit manager, replace him with an even shittier manager, then sack him and get back the old shit manager ??? Oh and lets give them a few million quid while we are at it ?


Fuck off, you mong .

Time for new ideas and drop this whole pathetic fucking Rafa bullshit, im sick of hearing about the cunt . He has gone, grow the fuck up .


I know this has been pulled up already but fuck it.


There are many criticisms to throw Rafa's way, infact the list seems to grow daily, but he is not, never has been, and probably never will be, a 'shit manager'- as you put it.


I, along with the majority of reds fans, dont want him back here- it was time for him to go when he did, but calling him a shit manager is utterly moronic. I can only assume you had a babycham when you wrote that piece of fucking drivel. He has indeed gone, lets be thankful of that - lets also be thankful his time here brought us number 5. And for that reason alone - he can never be classed as shit. You on the other hand, are shit at the internet. And being a fan.

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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager



Please sign the petition if you agree with my sentiments and forward on to any friends or family members, fellow LFC supporters, nationwide & worldwide, who you believe may wish to sign the petiton, thank you.



Rafael Benitez to be reinstated as manager of Liverpool FC


What happened to Kenny coming back ?

Cringeworthy bullshit.

Fucking move on fella.


It seems that a lot are under some sort of fucking spell.

Has Rafa inadvertently hypnotized all those who have signed this ?




Look into my eyes!!!

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