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About drewy

  • Birthday 02/05/1970

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    I'm just a love machine.

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  1. www.p2pfree.net 3 streams on that site.
  2. Anybody got a stream or streams for this?
  3. Great loss, the RMT (my union) has negotiated an average pay rise of over 3.5% for the last 3 years running. That is not only down to the skill of the area negotiator but also the influence of Bob Crow and the strong policy he implemented. He wiped the floor recently with TforL and their treatment of cleaners, a true Socialist in every sense of the word.
  4. As I've already said Mata is a class act but essentially as far as this season goes, he a £37m sticky plaster. The mancs have problems which run much deeper than one marque signing. Their centre backs are 30+ and their replacements are.. well a bit shit. Their midfield is shit, as is Wellbeck and Van Persie is 30+ and a moody cunt to boot. They will also be paying the chubby thick kid upwards of £300k a week IF he doesn't fuck off to the Chavs which in turn will further weaken them. Purple nose fucked off for a reason and not just because he pissed his pants.
  5. Haha its his glands not his knee! He's got an arse the size of a small planet.
  6. You've missed the point completely. He favorited a tweet in which Liverpool fans were refereed to as murderers.
  7. Ignorance is bliss. He'll neg me for that, like he always does.
  8. I was right behind the goal, the goaly thought it was going top corner....he was fucking wrong. Great strike.
  9. I agree, it's looking more and more likely nobody is interested. He's been very badly advised I feel, I do however have every confidence that he is the sort of player who will continue to give 100% on the pitch. Unlike that waster Torres.
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