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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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Respect for your reply:


The ‘chippy’ attitude as you describe isn’t prevelant, our city maybe in the eighties / early nineties was behind but not now, go and see Liverpool 1, the difference in the waterfront, our festivals, we’re not behind but at the forefront which is where we want to stay. The problem - these cuts are going to hit us more than anywhere else, and unfairly so, why the fuck us all the time, ( when you say. I don't know any southern county that has had their public service budgets increased – well unless what was being discussed on Roger Phillips was wrong, Richmond is certainly one, a bit more research will throw up others which sorry, I can’t recall).


I still live in the Knowsley area, when I did my degree the percentage in Knowsley in Uni. was about 5%, now gonna be closer to 0% with the cuts, my kids will struggle going and we have a right to be fucking angry cause we are again bearing the brunt – being downtrodden, and for what the sins of fucking bankers, if it continues then we will see a return to militancy like we did in the eighties.


That’s why I’m emotive, cause I hate seeing my city put down and football was always a way out, something we were proud of, Hodgsons Liverpool won’t even provide that.


Ignore the condescending fuckwit.

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Guest PurpleNose

Complete shite you were left, left by Ged,

To our surprise, Istanbul we were led,

You made us great, you made us feared,

We went top, and still were jeered,

Zonal marking, squad rotation too,

Sheets of paper, you nutter you,

Pompey away, a plethora of draws,

Robbie Keane, divisions you still cause.



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Fuck, I wasn't being condescending (the fuckwit parts probably right though).


Jesus, gmac, you gotta stay with me when in dismissive mode.


Internet soldier be shining Chrissy la's Cuban heels whilst us scals gotta stick together in these turbulent times of Roy.

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Complete shite you were left, left by Ged,

To our surprise, Istanbul we were led,

You made us great, you made us feared,

We went top, and still were jeered,

Zonal marking, squad rotation too,

Sheets of paper, you nutter you,

Pompey away, a plethora of draws,

Robbie Keane, divisions you still cause.




Forget the thanks, recite that with a Bob Dylan voice in your head.



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Complete shite you were left, left by Ged,

To our surprise, Istanbul we were led,

You made us great, you made us feared,

We went top, and still were jeered,

Zonal marking, squad rotation too,

Sheets of paper, you nutter you,

Pompey away, a plethora of draws,

Robbie Keane, divisions you still cause.






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Respect for your reply:


The ‘chippy’ attitude as you describe isn’t prevelant, our city maybe in the eighties / early nineties was behind but not now, go and see Liverpool 1, the difference in the waterfront, our festivals, we’re not behind but at the forefront which is where we want to stay. The problem - these cuts are going to hit us more than anywhere else, and unfairly so, why the fuck us all the time.


That’s why I’m emotive, cause I hate seeing my city put down and football was always a way out, something we were proud of, Hodgsons Liverpool won’t even provide that.


2 years ago, Liverpool was European Capital of Culture, which led to a lot of investment and promotion, in the years up to and including 2008.

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Guest PurpleNose


I fear the mark is more about the content than the obvious poetic talent.


There was a man who's team had Sami, Stevie, and the Kaiser,

But he chose to spunk £300m on absolute scheisse,

Four years of fuck all,

He drove us up the wall,

Yet RAWK simply refuse to say goodbye, sir.

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2 years ago, Liverpool was European Capital of Culture, which led to a lot of investment and promotion, in the years up to and including 2008.


And that’s the summary of our growth as a city, what an awful statement, sorry you think if we hadn’t have got Capital of Culture we’d have still been a basket case, what the fuck are you doing posting on a Liverpool forum, arguments about Hodgson are well and good but you, you fuckwit, don’t know what to say, just fuck off.

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I fear the mark is more about the content than the obvious poetic talent.


There was a man who's team had Sami, Stevie, and the Kaiser,

But he chose to spunk £300m on absolute scheisse,

Four years of fuck all,

He drove us up the wall,

Yet RAWK simply refuse to say goodbye, sir.



Some very tenuous rhymes and poor use of syntax; 2/10.

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Guest PurpleNose
With benitez brand of football, it has always been tough on the eye. istanbul, steven G on the right back...yeah, draw and penos when we should have gone for the jugular. two years later, we were taught a lesson to win it in 90.



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