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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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As a visitor the first thing you saw in Liverpool a few years ago was Liverpool 08 banners and advertisements, which in turn boosted tourism and the local economy. Plus there was a feel good factor about it in general.


The city doesn't get the attention that London gets, but few UK cities do. London is enormous, but Liverpool competes very well against rival cities when it comes to investment, growth, and development. You gave some examples in an earlier post.


A long way from the point of the thread, but no offence was intended to the city or people in general by what I said.

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UK Mirror expertly trolling RAWK. :whistle:


Liverpool owners rule out Rafa Benitez return - News - MirrorFootball.co.uk


Liverpool's new owners have made clear there will be no emotional return to the club for Rafa Benitez.


The Spanish coach has returned to his home on Merseyside after being sacked less than six months into his reign at Inter Milan.


Already some Reds fans are calling for the *Champions League-winning boss to be brought back by the new regime, after being sacked by the previous owners in June.


But John Henry and Tom Werner, the men behind NESV, who completed a takeover of Liverpool two months ago, have privately indicated there is no way back for Benitez.



Both owners have a good relationship with current manager Roy Hodgson and publicly defended him when asked about his job by supporters on a TV question-and-answer session.


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careful what you wish for..... people were saying this most of last season, and up to 3rd june this summer. interesting to see how many fans drown out the 'rafa' chants over the christmas fixtures...


As much as I want Hodgson to go, the chants for Dalglish have been a disgrace. And If the fans start chanting for Benitez then they need to have a word with themselves.

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Won't be signing that, its an awful idea and embarrassing. Besides that, Rafa had his chance here and fucked it up. He's had a mare the last 18 months too. I can't see why anyone would think his bad run would come to an end if he was back.


If you don't see the difference new owners would make to this club with Rafa in charge you are blind. Look at Rafa's record up to 2007 (when G&H took over) and the following three years with them raping this club. It really is black and white and I find it incredible that so called intelligent fans cannot see, or more likely ignore, this fact.


People are basing their opinion on the last 18 months when Xabi, Arbeloa, Masch, Bellamy, Crouch had/where gone due to the yanks lying to Rafa and us, the fans about everything (including buying new players). Any team with this many world class players lost from an already depleted squad would suffer, and we did. Not all Rafa's fault.


'Best fans in the world'. What a fucking joke.

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i'd like to see rafa the gaffa back but protests and petitions? we are turning into Newcastle fans. Lets appoint another messiah, no?




I partially agree. It's best to let the powers that be make the decisions but it's sometimes nice to show your feeling, whatever they are.

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If you don't see the difference new owners would make to this club with Rafa in charge you are blind. Look at Rafa's record up to 2007 (when G&H took over) and the following three years with them raping this club. It really is black and white and I find it incredible that so called intelligent fans cannot see, or more likely ignore, this fact.


People are basing their opinion on the last 18 months when Xabi, Arbeloa, Masch, Bellamy, Crouch had/where gone due to the yanks lying to Rafa and us, the fans about everything (including buying new players). Any team with this many world class players lost from an already depleted squad would suffer, and we did. Not all Rafa's fault.


'Best fans in the world'. What a fucking joke.


Gosh, that's pretty desperate. Arbeloa was going home, yanks or not, and now you're throwing Crouch and Bellamy to bump your list up?


I simply don't understand the hatred some of Rafa's fans have for their fellow Reds. Agree, disagree, but it is pretty hard to avoid the accusation that you care more about one man than an entire organisation whose number runs into the millions.


Not all Rafa's fault? Of course not, only the deluded think so, but even by your own term you accept SOME of it is. Percentages vary, but he has played his part in the current fiasco and through his Inter experiences does not seem to have learned the lesson on just how he lost his way.


Henry and co appear to have sent out the message that bringing Rafa back is no longer an option. His own agent seems to be advising him to take a breather.


I suggest some of his more temperamental advocates do the same. When Rafa is finally part of our history, what is it you want? To still be a part of the fraternity, to still be able to call yourself a Red? How will that happen if you just read something you don't agree with and think "cunt"?

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Good article from RAWK:


One thing that often gets overlooked is the fact that Rafa is still only 50 years of age. Which is ridiculously young for a top manager. By the age of 46 he had already racked up 2 La Liga titles, The UEFA Cup, The Champions League, The Super Cup, The FA Cup, as well as being UEFA Manager of the year twice. Even his sternest critics must admit that at the tender age of 50, Rafa has one of the best Managerial CV's in the game. It often makes me laugh when I see the whoppers on here naming the likes of Hiddink, Capello, Pellegrini et al, as managers they would love to see at Liverpool. These guys are all 10 to 15 years older than Rafa.


Heck, when Ferguson was Rafa's age all he had on his CV was 3 Scottish League titles and a UEFA Cup winners Cup. Ferguson was 57 before he managed to reach a European Cup final. Rafa had been in 2 of them at the age of 47, and a UEFA Cup final to boot. I bet Arsene Wenger would give his right bollock to have the same European track record as Rafa, and Wenger is almost 12 years the elder. The crux of my point is, Rafa was a top manager at a very young age. And despite the last 18 months, he is still without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best coaches in the game. In another 10 years he will be even better. His appetite for learning will ensure it. The man eats, sleeps, breathes, and shits football. I wouldn't be surprised if he tags on another couple of European Cups before he reaches 60.


The thing you have to remember about Rafa is, he is not the type of coach who likes to swan into a club for a couple of years, and then fuck off elsewhere. He isn't in the game for money, fame, or attention like that whore in Madrid, he is in it because he is a football obsessive. Rafa likes to build clubs from the ground up. His ideas are long term. He got it right when he was at Valencia. In their pomp they were a supreme football machine. Anyone who remembers Valencia's visit to Anfield should recall how they literally embarrassed us in our own back yard.


The biggest fuck up that Valencia made was that their board didn't share the same long term vision as Rafa. Had he stayed there, and had they backed him accordingly, Rafa would have wreaked havoc on the continent with that side. No question or doubt about it. Even more havoc than he wreaked with us. You can bet your bottom dollar Valencia realized what a fuck up they made when they saw Rafa holding the Champions league trophy in 2005.


He almost got it right with us too. 2009 should have been our year. We were just desperately unlucky. Some of the football we played that season was Valencia-esque. Man Utd, Real Madrid, and Aston Villa in particular, all felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of a fully functional Benitez side. I.E they got absolutely battered from start to finish. Rafa was on the verge of putting us on roughly the same level as he had put Valencia in 2001. We were almost there. It's agonizing to think back on it, but that's football. Sometimes you get the breaks, sometimes you don't.


Speaking of breaks, we got a bad one when Xabi wanted to leave. People often underestimate just how much of an impact Xabi's departure had on the team. Rafa built the side around him from day 1. He was Rafa's eyes and ears on the pitch for us. Gerrards admission that he almost cried when he heard Xabi was leaving is proof of this. It was a killer blow, but it was a blow which we could have recovered from. It just needed time. A lot more time than Rafa was afforded.


I'm not saying Rafa doesn't have his flaws, he clearly does. Of course he has made mistakes. But he is young, he is still learning. We're not talking about a guy who just came in and got lucky with us in 2005. This is a guy who had already proved himself, a two time European Manager of the year who wanted to finally realize his grand vision for a footballing institution. That institution should have been us.


Which is why I fear if we don't allow him to return to finish what he started here, then he will probably go to Man City and build a team that will dominate for years. The thought of which is too much to even ponder. Rafa will realize his vision one day. It may take him a few years, but do it he shall. My biggest fear is that when does, we will all look back from a top the hills that we all thought were greener, and think "fuck it, we should have given him a second chance"


Bring him back I say. Fuck the myopic, short memoried idiots who lambaste him. They are fools. Fools who simply do not grasp that the working methods of Rafa Benitez are part of a masterplan. We have Bondel and Segura working with the youth team now, with tremendous effect. All thanks to Rafa. The future is bright. We have owners with a track record of achieving long term success. We just need a manager who can make it work. A manager who loves the club, and loves the fans. That man is sitting in the Wirral right now. Please John Henry, bring back Rafael Benitez. Give him his chance to make himself a hero. Lord knows, for all he has done for us, he deserves it.

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Good article from RAWK:


One thing that often gets overlooked is the fact that Rafa is still only 50 years of age. Which is ridiculously young for a top manager. By the age of 46 he had already racked up 2 La Liga titles, The UEFA Cup, The Champions League, The Super Cup, The FA Cup, as well as being UEFA Manager of the year twice. Even his sternest critics must admit that at the tender age of 50, Rafa has one of the best Managerial CV's in the game. It often makes me laugh when I see the whoppers on here naming the likes of Hiddink, Capello, Pellegrini et al, as managers they would love to see at Liverpool. These guys are all 10 to 15 years older than Rafa.


Heck, when Ferguson was Rafa's age all he had on his CV was 3 Scottish League titles and a UEFA Cup winners Cup. Ferguson was 57 before he managed to reach a European Cup final. Rafa had been in 2 of them at the age of 47, and a UEFA Cup final to boot. I bet Arsene Wenger would give his right bollock to have the same European track record as Rafa, and Wenger is almost 12 years the elder. The crux of my point is, Rafa was a top manager at a very young age. And despite the last 18 months, he is still without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best coaches in the game. In another 10 years he will be even better. His appetite for learning will ensure it. The man eats, sleeps, breathes, and shits football. I wouldn't be surprised if he tags on another couple of European Cups before he reaches 60.


The thing you have to remember about Rafa is, he is not the type of coach who likes to swan into a club for a couple of years, and then fuck off elsewhere. He isn't in the game for money, fame, or attention like that whore in Madrid, he is in it because he is a football obsessive. Rafa likes to build clubs from the ground up. His ideas are long term. He got it right when he was at Valencia. In their pomp they were a supreme football machine. Anyone who remembers Valencia's visit to Anfield should recall how they literally embarrassed us in our own back yard.


The biggest fuck up that Valencia made was that their board didn't share the same long term vision as Rafa. Had he stayed there, and had they backed him accordingly, Rafa would have wreaked havoc on the continent with that side. No question or doubt about it. Even more havoc than he wreaked with us. You can bet your bottom dollar Valencia realized what a fuck up they made when they saw Rafa holding the Champions league trophy in 2005.


He almost got it right with us too. 2009 should have been our year. We were just desperately unlucky. Some of the football we played that season was Valencia-esque. Man Utd, Real Madrid, and Aston Villa in particular, all felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of a fully functional Benitez side. I.E they got absolutely battered from start to finish. Rafa was on the verge of putting us on roughly the same level as he had put Valencia in 2001. We were almost there. It's agonizing to think back on it, but that's football. Sometimes you get the breaks, sometimes you don't.


Speaking of breaks, we got a bad one when Xabi wanted to leave. People often underestimate just how much of an impact Xabi's departure had on the team. Rafa built the side around him from day 1. He was Rafa's eyes and ears on the pitch for us. Gerrards admission that he almost cried when he heard Xabi was leaving is proof of this. It was a killer blow, but it was a blow which we could have recovered from. It just needed time. A lot more time than Rafa was afforded.


I'm not saying Rafa doesn't have his flaws, he clearly does. Of course he has made mistakes. But he is young, he is still learning. We're not talking about a guy who just came in and got lucky with us in 2005. This is a guy who had already proved himself, a two time European Manager of the year who wanted to finally realize his grand vision for a footballing institution. That institution should have been us.


Which is why I fear if we don't allow him to return to finish what he started here, then he will probably go to Man City and build a team that will dominate for years. The thought of which is too much to even ponder. Rafa will realize his vision one day. It may take him a few years, but do it he shall. My biggest fear is that when does, we will all look back from a top the hills that we all thought were greener, and think "fuck it, we should have given him a second chance"


Bring him back I say. Fuck the myopic, short memoried idiots who lambaste him. They are fools. Fools who simply do not grasp that the working methods of Rafa Benitez are part of a masterplan. We have Bondel and Segura working with the youth team now, with tremendous effect. All thanks to Rafa. The future is bright. We have owners with a track record of achieving long term success. We just need a manager who can make it work. A manager who loves the club, and loves the fans. That man is sitting in the Wirral right now. Please John Henry, bring back Rafael Benitez. Give him his chance to make himself a hero. Lord knows, for all he has done for us, he deserves it.


It's not good, it's biased, nauseating,repetitive and frankly embarrassing.


He's not coming back.


It would be a mistake.


Grown men really need to grow the fuck up and get a grip. Life goes on.

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