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The Godfather

Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

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On 03/03/2015 at 09:05, Trumo said:

The thing that most bothers me about all the films is that it really looks as though Talia Shire can't act. I don't think she's that good in the Rocky films either. Everybody talks about Sofia Coppola stinking the place out in Part III but Shire is just as bad throughout the series. Without the nepotism, the films could have been even better. Part III is not actually that bad a film when judged on its own merits (ie, not compared to the first two) but it over-eggs the pudding by having the Vatican and the change of Pope as the backdrop to the plotline. It doesn't work in the same way that the Cuban Revolution did as the backdrop to the plotline in Part II. Also, because Duvall didn't want to be in it, Coppola had to write Tom Hagen out and put George Hamilton in as Michael's new consigliere CJ. For all Michael's berating of his family to keep all family matters in-house in the earlier films, it seems odd that he'd now have an outsider like CJ as his right hand man.

I watched Part III again last night. I really like it, Sofia Coppola isn't great but the way the film builds to the drama in the last 20 minutes or so is brilliant & it has the same feel as the first two. The Sicillian hitman is fucking class too.


Clearly it's not a patch on I or II but I think it's underrated.

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First 2 were absolute classics,as I've previously said but when you watch Part 3 soon after,woah,its only connection is a couple of the characters. I never realised at first how bad Sofia Coppola was in it but she was bad,and the whole film was a bit of a mess. Its ok as a stand alone but shouldnt have the same name as the first two.

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On 20/03/2020 at 09:33, VladimirIlyich said:

First 2 were absolute classics,as I've previously said but when you watch Part 3 soon after,woah,its only connection is a couple of the characters. I never realised at first how bad Sofia Coppola was in it but she was bad,and the whole film was a bit of a mess. Its ok as a stand alone but shouldnt have the same name as the first two.

Godfather 3 was certainly missing a certain something. 

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