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The Godfather

Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

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Been meaning to read the book for years, and only just got around to it.


I don't think there's a single aspect that isn't infinitely improved by Coppola. Puzo really does ramble, the dialogue is frequently hammy, the wandering side stories about sex are weird, and the big reveal of Barzini as the main antagonist is fluffed.


I didn't think I could hold the film in any higher esteem, but it now ranks as the best cinema adaptation in my mind, bar none.

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3 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Been meaning to read the book for years, and only just got around to it.


I don't think there's a single aspect that isn't infinitely improved by Coppola. Puzo really does ramble, the dialogue is frequently hammy, the wandering side stories about sex are weird, and the big reveal of Barzini as the main antagonist is fluffed.


I didn't think I could hold the film in any higher esteem, but it now ranks as the best cinema adaptation in my mind, bar none.

Never read it but that's an interesting critique.


I really enjoyed Nikos Kazantzakis' Last Temptation of Christ but Scorcese's filmed adaptation is even better. Sensational film which trims all the unnecessary flab away from the source material.

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33 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Never read it but that's an interesting critique.


I really enjoyed Nikos Kazantzakis' Last Temptation of Christ but Scorcese's filmed adaptation is even better. Sensational film which trims all the unnecessary flab away from the source material.

That's another one I'd like to read one day. Always find it fascinating reading the source material for adaptations, as they either eclipse the film (like The Name of the Rose), or give you a new found respect for the skill of the filmmakers. Trimming the fat, reordering scenes, finding that key moment that lends itself to a visual medium.


Still can't believe nobody said to Puzo "Maybe leave out the 15 page substory about that girl's cavernous vagina?"

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2 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

That's another one I'd like to read one day. Always find it fascinating reading the source material for adaptations, as they either eclipse the film (like The Name of the Rose), or give you a new found respect for the skill of the filmmakers. Trimming the fat, reordering scenes, finding that key moment that lends itself to a visual medium.


Still can't believe nobody said to Puzo "Maybe leave out the 15 page substory about that girl's cavernous vagina?"

You ever read Alien? That is exactly the same as the film, and I mean exactly. Shot for shot, 100%


Probably my favourite horror film of all time but perhaps Ridley Scott doesn't deserve the credit after reading the book. On the other hand he deserves huge credit for recognising a great script and storyboard right within the pages of the novel and not deviating, at all.

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6 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

You ever read Alien? That is exactly the same as the film, and I mean exactly. Shot for shot, 100%


Probably my favourite horror film of all time but perhaps Ridley Scott doesn't deserve the credit after reading the book. On the other hand he deserves huge credit for recognising a great script and storyboard right within the pages of the novel and not deviating, at all.

Never read it. Was the film based on it, or was it a novelization? I seem to recall with 2001 it was kind of a joint thing, book and film being made in conjunction, perhaps it was the same with Alien. 

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28 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Never read it. Was the film based on it, or was it a novelization? I seem to recall with 2001 it was kind of a joint thing, book and film being made in conjunction, perhaps it was the same with Alien. 

Ah, didn't realize that mate. It would explain much.

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On 16/07/2021 at 14:19, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Been meaning to read the book for years, and only just got around to it.


I don't think there's a single aspect that isn't infinitely improved by Coppola. Puzo really does ramble, the dialogue is frequently hammy, the wandering side stories about sex are weird, and the big reveal of Barzini as the main antagonist is fluffed.


I didn't think I could hold the film in any higher esteem, but it now ranks as the best cinema adaptation in my mind, bar none.


As life changing as the movie is, I don't think they pull off the Barzini reveal, either.


He has like 3 lines over this great sprawling masterpiece with dozens of characters, before we find out what he's been up to. Not criticism, by the way, it was just really hard to pull off, as there a million other things going on.

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13 hours ago, Kevin D said:


As life changing as the movie is, I don't think they pull off the Barzini reveal, either.


He has like 3 lines over this great sprawling masterpiece with dozens of characters, before we find out what he's been up to. Not criticism, by the way, it was just really hard to pull off, as there a million other things going on.

Fair point. I think it would've been hard to introduce him in any other way though. If he's a prominent figure of power, without having dealings with the Don, then his presence would've raised suspicion. A bit like the big name in an episode of Midsummer Murders.


If, however, he was more benevolent and friendly, then it would mirror - and take away from -Tessio's betrayal too much. The fact Barzini seems to emerge from the shadows underlines the unseen enemies who could be amassing against the family. It's also a nice bookend to the killing of Appolonia, which the movie leaves unanswered.

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On 25/07/2021 at 11:39, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Fair point. I think it would've been hard to introduce him in any other way though. If he's a prominent figure of power, without having dealings with the Don, then his presence would've raised suspicion. A bit like the big name in an episode of Midsummer Murders.


If, however, he was more benevolent and friendly, then it would mirror - and take away from -Tessio's betrayal too much. The fact Barzini seems to emerge from the shadows underlines the unseen enemies who could be amassing against the family. It's also a nice bookend to the killing of Appolonia, which the movie leaves unanswered.

David Chase seems to be a fan of leaving some things unanswered(ie The Czechoslovakian Interior Decorator) and obviously picked this up from Coppolla.

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On 02/04/2021 at 16:09, Stickman said:

This looks good ...And I don’t mind Dexter Fletcher he’s a pretty good director ..

The Offer’: Dexter Fletcher To Direct Paramount+ Series About The Making Of ‘The Godfather






Watching it now I've got to say its excellent 

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