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The Godfather

Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

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2 minutes ago, aws said:

Even the best consigliere may not make a great wartime consigliere. 


He also advised Vito to make the deal with the Turk over the narcotics.


If Don Corleone had listened to that Kraut Mick, there never would have been a war, and we wouldnt have a glorious movie.

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On 02/01/2021 at 09:54, Paulie Dangerously said:

He's got an enormous penis so she's probably glad of day off. 

One of the things I recall from reading the book about 30 years ago is the girl that Sonny is shagging at the wedding has a cavernous vagina. That's why she is so into Sonny.


Puzo goes into great detail about it and follows the story of the girl with the massive fanjita through her various travails and unsatisfactory relationships. Eventually I think she meets a gynaey type doctor who, if memory serves,  resolves the problem surgically. Largely for his own benefit.


Coppola must have cut all that in the final edits.

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25 minutes ago, mgw100 said:


One of the things I recall from reading the book about 30 years ago is the girl that Sonny is shagging at the wedding has a cavernous vagina. That's why she is so into Sonny.


Puzo goes into great detail about it and follows the story of the girl with the massive fanjita through her various travails and unsatisfactory relationships. Eventually I think she meets a gynaey type doctor who, if memory serves,  resolves the problem surgically. Largely for his own benefit.


Coppola must have cut all that in the final edits.

I've just read the book, weird sub story there

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1 hour ago, mgw100 said:


One of the things I recall from reading the book about 30 years ago is the girl that Sonny is shagging at the wedding has a cavernous vagina. That's why she is so into Sonny.


Puzo goes into great detail about it and follows the story of the girl with the massive fanjita through her various travails and unsatisfactory relationships. Eventually I think she meets a gynaey type doctor who, if memory serves,  resolves the problem surgically. Largely for his own benefit.


Coppola must have cut all that in the final edits.

Haha yeah I remember that. Absolutely not a necessary plot to maintain through such a large book  

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Watched parts 1 and 2 in the last week. Both sensational, Part 2 would be my pick at the moment but I'll rewatch them again soon.


I was absolutely buzzing after watching both and still am.


I don't expect part 3 to be in the same league but I'll watch it next. 

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8 minutes ago, Elite said:

Watched parts 1 and 2 in the last week. Both sensational, Part 2 would be my pick at the moment but I'll rewatch them again soon.


I was absolutely buzzing after watching both and still am.


I don't expect part 3 to be in the same league but I'll watch it next. 

Had you not seen any of them before? What a treat.

I can never choose my favourite between I and II, probably whichever one I have most recently watched.  But if I could only take one to a desert island it would be I, no II, no I...ah fuck it, Pulp Fiction it is then.

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15 minutes ago, Moo said:

Had you not seen any of them before? What a treat.

I can never choose my favourite between I and II, probably whichever one I have most recently watched.  But if I could only take one to a desert island it would be I, no II, no I...ah fuck it, Pulp Fiction it is then.

I half watched them when I was a tennager but never really paid the attention they deserved but wow, they fully justify the hype.

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1 hour ago, Elite said:

Watched parts 1 and 2 in the last week. Both sensational, Part 2 would be my pick at the moment but I'll rewatch them again soon.


I was absolutely buzzing after watching both and still am.


I don't expect part 3 to be in the same league but I'll watch it next. 

Part III is a good film, watch it with an open mind & forget all the philistines who go on about it being shite.

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16 hours ago, Elite said:

Watched parts 1 and 2 in the last week. Both sensational, Part 2 would be my pick at the moment but I'll rewatch them again soon.


I was absolutely buzzing after watching both and still am.



They're okay, I suppose, not really my type of movie.

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14 minutes ago, Kevin D said:


Head to the second last page of the boxing thread, you're kind of famous.

Ha ha, I'd forgotten about that.


Up there with the time I met a Belgian bloke at a party and immediately asked him if he'd seen Timecop. These are the moments I'll be talking about on my death bed.


I miss The Boss by the way, he was a fucking great poster.

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