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The Godfather

Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

Whilst all you classless fucks were comparing vegetarian fish dishes and whatever other mundane boring shite that makes your sad pathetic existence, Last night I took three hours out of my busy schedule to take my self down to Woolton Picture House for a special screening of The Godfather.


First viewing on a big screen in a proper old cinema, absolutely fucking brilliant, completely different experience to watching in on VHS/DVD.


The venue leant itself to the screening perfectly, not many cinemas like that around any more.


Anyway, it's the first of a few specials they are putting on over the coming months.


Next up is Godfather II


You have been warned

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill
Why don't you start a facebook group about it? Seriously, who cares. I can't believe you missed footie to go to the pictures.


I might just go and neg you now.



Because I'm not a nerd, I'll leave that for the likes of your good self.


Judging by the reports, I didn't miss much


The idea was to get enough people interested and take a few of the Thursday Footy lads to Godfather II in a few weeks

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill
II is a brilliant film but I just prefer the first one. I like the chronological version though that you get in the trilogy so you can watch it all in the right order.




III was an abomination

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  • 5 years later...
  • 2 months later...

The thing that most bothers me about all the films is that it really looks as though Talia Shire can't act. I don't think she's that good in the Rocky films either. Everybody talks about Sofia Coppola stinking the place out in Part III but Shire is just as bad throughout the series. Without the nepotism, the films could have been even better. Part III is not actually that bad a film when judged on its own merits (ie, not compared to the first two) but it over-eggs the pudding by having the Vatican and the change of Pope as the backdrop to the plotline. It doesn't work in the same way that the Cuban Revolution did as the backdrop to the plotline in Part II. Also, because Duvall didn't want to be in it, Coppola had to write Tom Hagen out and put George Hamilton in as Michael's new consigliere CJ. For all Michael's berating of his family to keep all family matters in-house in the earlier films, it seems odd that he'd now have an outsider like CJ as his right hand man.

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I love The Godfather but does that punch Sonny misses Carlo with by about 6ft when he kicks the shit out of him in the street annoy anyone else? I have no idea why the left that in and it's one of the reasons I prefer Part II.


I actually read up on this & Coppola said that they'd run out of money & the studio was threatening not to release the film at one point, they only had one take & unfortunately that punch was part of it, so got left in.


Another one for the fact fans, Sofia Coppola played Michael as a baby & appears in all three films at one stage or another.

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  • 1 year later...

I actually read up on this & Coppola said that they'd run out of money & the studio was threatening not to release the film at one point, they only had one take & unfortunately that punch was part of it, so got left in.


Another one for the fact fans, Sofia Coppola played Michael as a baby & appears in all three films at one stage or another.


Pretty good that she only managed to kill one of them then

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